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Special characters in text boxes

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Has it disappeared from AC8.1 ?
I use PowerPro to insert special characters (Ø, ‡, |, etc) in every windows application using keyboard shortcuts, but it doesn't work anymore. I tried to use the standard way (ALT+0216 = Ø, for example), but it won't work either... My only solution was to paste the wanted character.

Is it my config or generalized ?
Haneef Tayob
I did bring up the same topic a while ago (after your query though). Entering of special characters after v8.1 suddenly became such a tedious task. The responses I got indicated that it was an archicad issue.

I've now decided to post the request to the user interface wishes.

take care
Haneef Tayob
Aziz Tayob Architects
AC23 INT rel 3003, OS X 10.14.6 iMac 3.3ghz i5 dual monitor, 24GB RAM
Haneef Tayob
I've just found out that if you use [ctrl alt] + code, then you can enter the special characters using the keyboard shortcuts.

Not sure why this was changed.
Haneef Tayob
Aziz Tayob Architects
AC23 INT rel 3003, OS X 10.14.6 iMac 3.3ghz i5 dual monitor, 24GB RAM
Not applicable
Thanks Haneef. Good to know. Thanks for the tip.