2007-12-26 06:04 PM
2007-12-27 10:09 PM
drawing@jbdg wrote:Make sure that your ref line offset value in the wall settings dialog (or info box) is set to zero (0). And, verify that you placed your profile relative to the true origin, not a temporarily relocated user origin.
OK i am using the complex profile for a wall. Everything seems to work until i went to place the origin to place my wall reference line. It does not go where i put it on the profile of the wall. In other words the origin placement and the reference line do not match. This drives me crazy!!! Is this normal??
2007-12-27 11:34 PM
Karl wrote:For doors and windows we can apply the Wall Opening Material to be either the 'Same as Wall Edge' or the 'Same as Wall Side' via the options under the Model panel of the tool's settings. Maybe additional materials could be offered via GDL coding?troakie wrote:I can't. Complex profiles provide a HUGE amount of productivity to ArchiCAD users. But, they have the INFURIATING and stupid limitation that the wall (e.g.) ends are assigned a single material (for renders; fill/hatch for line drawings), regardless of the number of skins/etc. It drives me insane...
I have spent a very frustrating few days creating a model where the windows are recessed into a wall and 'span' three materials but the reveal adopts only one of them - if anybody can give me a workaround for this I would be eternally grateful!
drawing@jbdg wrote:The reference line of the wall is directly related to the complex profile's local origin. So go back into your Profile's Settings and move all the elements back so they sit on the origin. Don't forget to turn on all your Design Layers, so that you move your drafting, stretch and opening lines too.
OK i am using the complex profile for a wall. Everything seems to work until i went to place the origin to place my wall reference line. It does not go where i put it on the profile of the wall. In other words the origin placement and the reference line do not match. This drives me crazy!!! Is this normal??
2007-12-28 12:45 AM
Kermul wrote:"I hate that Halley's comet.
INFURIATING and stupid limitation that the wall (e.g.) ends are assigned a single material. It drives me insane...
2007-12-28 12:53 AM
2007-12-28 12:56 AM
2007-12-28 01:19 AM
2007-12-28 03:29 AM
2007-12-29 07:36 AM