The only way I've been able to lock text in 'an upside down weird angle' is to make the adjustment manually in the 'angle' box.
On my site plans, I run my courses and distances clockwise from the beginning point. When certain stretches are reached, the program likes to 'flip' the text upright (I guess to be more legible...which I allow on my building plans). This happens with the dimension tool as well as with text. The work around has been to make the adjustment in the 'angle' by subtracting or adding 180 degrees.
I'm intrigued that Graphisoft still hasn't addressed this one. In future upgrades, text angular positioning or alignment could be a 'preferences' item that can be set either globally or adjusted within the text or dimension tool.
Mark R. Wallace AIA
Mac G3, 350 Mhz, 1 Gb RAM, OSX.3.7, ArchiCAD 7.0, Plotmaker 2.3 v3 OSX
Mark Wallace Architect
Collegeville PA 19426-0537
Mark R. Wallace AIA
MacBook 2.53 Ghz, Intel Core i5, 8 Gb,
Mac OSX (Sierra 10.12.6,
ArchiCAD 22 USA Full, +21, & 20.