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About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Trouble with my origin point and selection tool--frozen

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I am a Mac user
When I am in the arrow tool, I can no longer select the way I used to select. Now the origin point pops up when I click, and when I drag across an object, a dotted line appears; when I move my mouse, a box (dotted line) appears around the object and then selects it.
I can no longer grey out my origin point.
I cannot change my settings in the arrow tool in my info box. Everything is white and locked.
My status bar says: Enter Rotation Vector of Selection Rectangle when I try to select in the arrow tool.
Also, My origin point keeps hopping around wherever I go, but I don't have the little dots following me around, do grid snap is not on.
I would appreciate some help!
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Some more information would be helpful. What version of ArchiCAD are you using? What hardware? Have you just upgraded or did this just start happening?
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I am still using Archicad 9. The problem started about one hour ago. I am on a 20" imac. I was in Design Development in floor plan. I have been using this program since last September
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I should have said I am using the student version of Archicad. I have a mid term due on Thursday...
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It seems that you have changed the geometry method of the arrow tool from the standard orthagonal rectangle to the one at an angle (a free polygon is also an option). Look at the info box when you have the arrow tool selected. There should be three buttons there to change this setting.

The origin point problem is a bit stranger. I understand you to mean that the little black "x" is following your cursor around even though you are not holding the shift + option keys. This could be a physical problem with the keyboard (if it is only happening when you hold the shift key perhaps one of your option keys is stuck). There may also be an accessibility setting ("sticky keys"?) that has gotten turned on by mistake in your System Preferences. I haven't seen this recently but once upon a time if you hit the space bar (I think) repeatedly it could put you into a special mode where modifier keys would stay on until pressed a second time.
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It also could be that you have accidentally enabled grid snap. There is a keyboard shortcut for this that can sometimes be pressed without realizing it.
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My geometry method is on the free rectangle. But I can't change it or the other two settings in my info box. They are frozen, white.

I also cannot change my origin point setting. When I click on it, it turns grey, but when I go to the floor plan, it goes white and the origin point appears wherever I click.

I recognize I probably hit a set of keystrokes -- how do I get out of this mess?

I should have thanked you for your feedback before! I sincerely appreciate your suggestions and your help!!!!
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I checked my info box settings again. I couldn't change the settings before, now I can. However, I still cannot get out of the origin point loop I am in. When I am in the arrow tool, whenever I click on the floor plan, the origin point appears and creates the dotted "box"
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Renata wrote:
My geometry method is on the free rectangle. But I can't change it or the other two settings in my info box. They are frozen, white.
I can't recall seeing this, nor can I guess what would cause it under normal circumstances. Perhaps a "New & Reset" under the File Menu would help (hold down the option key). Perhaps you need to reinstall ArchiCAD. (I assume you have tried restarting ArchiCAD and restarting the computer.)
I also cannot change my origin point setting. When I click on it, it turns grey, but when I go to the floor plan, it goes white and the origin point appears wherever I click.
It sounds like the origin point button is doing just what it is supposed to do. When you click it you are say "I want to move the origin to the next place I click." (Note: If you double click it will return to the absolute "project origin".)

It is normal for the black "x" to appear where you click to start an operation. It actually represents the "current origin", which becomes the "local origin" when you are drawing something. This can be changed to a temporary "user origin" by pressing shift+option while you are drawing. This is different from the persistent user origin that you set by the same method when you are not in the middle of drawing something. When you are not drawing the "current origin" is the persistent "user origin". I hope this is clear.
I recognize I probably hit a set of keystrokes -- how do I get out of this mess?
Beyond what I have said, I am not sure what else it could be.
I should have thanked you for your feedback before! I sincerely appreciate your suggestions and your help!!!!
Your welcome.