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About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

What are new tools for ARCHICAD 13?

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Hello 🙂
I was wondering if we maybe know what new tools we can expect with the new version of Archicad?
I finaly hope for 3D composite structure layers to be visible, also their 2D representation to be automaticly adjusted to the layer thickness (eg. thermal insulation).
Slab layers and their intersection with wall layers...
Also maybe while defining wall composite layers we can also define each layer height.
Better and more detailed quantity take-off is a must.
221 REPLIES 221
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Ecological building and energy efficency are becoming increasingly important, as well as environment.

My list of suggestion contains therefore some of these.

In detail:
- If I insert coordinates, a 3d sketch of surrounding buildings as well as my own building I would like Archicad to be able to calculare the amount of light each facade receives yearly (with the shadow silouhette on the graph).
- If I provide insulation values for materials I would like ArchiCAD to be able to calculate the required amount of energy to heat (I can insert average monthly exterior temperatures).
This could also be integrated with Google Earth as it now provides shadows based on mountains (work in Switzerland so I also have to take these into account)
- For BRICK walls, I would like to be able to create brick walls with actual brick count for them.
- Flat roofs: I think Roofmaker is too complicated and doesn't help enough in creating flat roofs (in detail).
- "scenarios": if I build close to the water, for instance, I would like to able to simulate the increase in water level and/or for instance, the snow...

ArchiCAD could also use a revamp in GUI which could be more elegant and modern (but that is just a general taste opinion).
Also: heating and ventilation should also be available as tools for design, as architecture is rapidly moving to include these as well as very important elements. At least "place holders" for ventilation, heat production and so on...

I know, I know... Artlantis is for these, but please provide at least "better" renders for ArchiCAD. Particularly light is a great problem...

Thank you for listening.

By the way, I am VERY HAPPY WITH ARCHICAD, but some of these things I would like to see in an upcoming version of the software.

One last thing:
details... Many details have to be designed in 2D in vector desing. Maybe some of these could also be made possible in 3D somehow.

Ok... one last last thing:
- I am a Mac user. I hope ArchiCAD 13 will take full advantage of GrandCentral...
Ok... one last last thing:
- I am a Mac user. I hope ArchiCAD 13 will take full advantage of GrandCentral...
Are you serious? Apple has finally locked down the development of API for GrantCentral just 3 days ago! So you are expecting to get it done in a no time. Actually GrandCentral technology is probably completely irrelevant for AC as it runs on two platforms and GrantCentral is platform-dependant.
Not applicable
I always upgrade right away, just because it's fun (most of the time). But this time with the economy being what it is I will have to wait a bit.

Also I'm a small time user with two Mac G5 stations, and as AC13 will no longer support G5s's it makes it even less likely that I will upgrade soon. I know I need faster machines anyway, but the dual G5's got a boost with AC 12.

I wonder how many Mac firms out there will have to upgrade all of their machines to work with AC 13?

Don Lee
Rob wrote:
Ok... one last last thing:
- I am a Mac user. I hope ArchiCAD 13 will take full advantage of GrandCentral...
Are you serious? Apple has finally locked down the development of API for GrantCentral just 3 days ago! So you are expecting to get it done in a no time. Actually GrandCentral technology is probably completely irrelevant for AC as it runs on two platforms and GrantCentral is platform-dependant.
OpenCL is an open platform supported by all the major CPU+GPU manufacturers which Microsoft could have used if it chose, but instead they will go and develop their own proprietary GPU computing solution through DirectX. f'ing typical Microsoft. End result is developers have to develop for two platforms AGAIN (or chose Windows only which is exactly what Microsoft want to happen) ... and users get screwed.

I am still optimistic though that OpenCL support will be included with the Mac version (no sooner than 14) .. the OS will handle distributing jobs to the CPU+GPU via Grand Central, developers just need to update their apps to use the new OS features (much like they did in the past with Core Animation, etc). Everything i have heard indicates OSX is a much, much easier platform to develop for than Windows due to strategies such as these. Graphisoft has to support OpenCL and the Windows solution eventually (big performance gains to be had) and so i don't see why they would hold back on the Mac platform just because Microsoft haven't got their act together yet.

Owen Sharp

Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp

iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5
Graphisoft has to support OpenCL and the Windows solution eventually (big performance gains to be had) and so i don't see why they would hold back on the Mac platform just because Microsoft haven't got their act together yet

look I am not a system programmer but what I know GrandCentral technology and system calls would have to be deep in AC engine. I am not sure if it is actually possible to have this kind of calls in virtualisation layer. In other words the AC C-code is the very same for both platforms apart from some OS-specific calls (the virtualisation layer). GrandCentral seems to be a technology of a huge magnitude not exactly fitting into the concept of a minor OS-specific tweak so I have my serious doubts about adopting this any time soon.
If this is the case then it will be a great disadvantage to ArchiCAD ... accessing the GPU for non-graphics task could provide a significant leap in processing power ... its AC multi-core all over again.

If this is made too difficult to achieve cross-platform due to Microsoft yet again chosing to develop their own closed-platform system rather than a more mature open-platform freely available to them, then i think Graphisoft should show that all their talk of supporting open-platforms and interoperability is not just that and actually support OpenCL on the Mac and NOT whatever Windows comes up with in DirectX 11.

Owen Sharp

Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp

iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5
do not take my words for granted mate 😉
I am just a little pawn juggling with ideas.

It is not easy too switch from technologies driven by MS to progressive ones which Apple (thanks god) starts to push forward. This thing needs some time to be accommodated by all developers and hopefully we will see more openness in this regard. I believe that the way of Apple (relying on open source programming) will be the winner in the future especially in regards to open platform collaboration as opposed to proprietary platform driven solutions which is being championed by ADesk at the moment.

however only time will tell...
I always upgrade right away, just because it's fun (most of the time). But this time with the economy being what it is I will have to wait a bit.

Also I'm a small time user with two Mac G5 stations, and as AC13 will no longer support G5s's it makes it even less likely that I will upgrade soon. I know I need faster machines anyway, but the dual G5's got a boost with AC 12.

I wonder how many Mac firms out there will have to upgrade all of their machines to work with AC 13?

let's face it. GS did not make that decision by itself. It is a commercial reality - the platform provider has decided to discontinue the product well, what are you expecting from all platform-dependant developers? GS has announced 2 and half years ago that AC12 would be the last PPC release... I reckon it is a fair deal at least.

Anyway with the pace of the current software development we will be all forced to 64bit hardware/software in a no time. Again a reality which BTW Windows could not have achieved in almost one decade!

It will be really interesting to see what is going to happen with 64bit attitude when Snow Leopard kicks in - virtually there will be a flood of users on 64bit platform over the night... unless you would have the nerve to resist the temptation 😉
yeah i know we are all just speculating .. just saying if this comes to pass as you suggested it will be the end users who will lose out again because Micro$oft wants to dominate the market through locking people into closed technologies rather than through their product standing on its own merits

its like a 24month contract v prepaid. oh wait .. that applies to Apple now too doesn't it ...

Owen Sharp

Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp

iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5
Thomas Holm
owen wrote:
If this is the case then it will be a great disadvantage to ArchiCAD ... accessing the GPU for non-graphics task could provide a significant leap in processing power ... its AC multi-core all over again.
Not so sure about that. AC is a typical high-end program, which largely runs (or will, soon ) on multi-core workstations. If a machine like the latest Xeon Nehalem MacPros shows 16 cores to the program, the addition of one, (even if a fast GPU) probably won't make that much difference, since AC already tries to maximize the GPU utilization for screen graphics, see below. I'd guess it's more efficient to optimize the multi-core and 64-bit CPU usage. And that would enhance both platforms.
If this is made too difficult to achieve cross-platform due to Microsoft yet again chosing to develop their own closed-platform system rather than a more mature open-platform freely available to them, then i think Graphisoft should show that all their talk of supporting open-platforms and interoperability is not just that and actually support OpenCL on the Mac and NOT whatever Windows comes up with in DirectX 11.
Not so sure about that either, today. The history of DirectX vs. OpenGl is one thing, but it appears that today, DirectX in some respects works better than OpenGL on Intel's processors, and some GPUs as well. Just check out the reasoning behind Revit's switch to DirectX, and a number of game developers' preference for it too. Also, Archicad is already using DirectX on the Windows platform.
If you want to really make a difference in this area, for better performance and easier development, I'd say convince Apple to adopt DirectX in MacOSX! This isn't as far-fetched as it may seem. Many game developers would be happy, and that would add to Apple's revenue as well as Microsoft's!
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1