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Windows not displaying correctly

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While trying to update a drawing done in Archicad 9, using Archicad 11 the windows in elevation do not display correctly. The frames and sashes appear as one except when highlighted when selected. I don't want to change them all to Archicad 11 windows as it will take too long and I only want to make a few minor amendments - any suggestions?
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I don't understand the problem. Perhaps a picture would help.
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I seem to recall a problem with the change from 9 to 10 or 10 to 11 whereby the surfaces of the window frame and sash were deemed to be touching, and therefore cleaned up without a line between. Try changing the sash (inner frame) material to something different to the main frame material. You could make a copy of main frame material with a different name, that would do.

See if that works. Still a pain if you have to do this with all your windows, but you should be able to select them all and change the one parameter o.k.
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Thanks will try as suggested but see attached for clarification
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Thanks - the different materials technique worked!