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how to convert thousands of CAD text to line or 3D text

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Hello, I am making a feature wall with thousands of ancient Chinese symbols which is in CAD format, any quick way to convert them to line or 3D text in AC? (I tried explode but not working),


Accepted Solutions
I don't know a straightforward workflow for that either. But I have done it a couple of times though.

Print a pdf, use some capable enough graphics program to open that pdf - then convert text to paths, then save as pdf. Illustrator, Affinity Designer, InkScape or some other programs or dedicated converters will do.

AC: import pdf, explode pdf to fills, make complex profiles out of fills or use magic wand to make slabs if appropriate. Use complex profiles and/or slabs as needed. You can try copy-pasting between programs too, that might come out as pasted fills outright miraculously in archiCAD - but not necessarily.

It will be a tedious task though. And this approach might give you a pretty complex and big file eventually.

Maybe you'd be better off with printing it in multiple parts to pdf's and working that way, I don't know.
AC25, Rhino6/7+Grasshopper, TwinMotionMac Pro 6,1 E5-1650v2-3,5GHz/128GB/eGPU:6800XT/11.6.5 • HP Z4/Xeon W-2195/256GB/RX6800XT/W10ProWS

View solution in original post

Sadly there is no way to do that. I also sometimes wanted to have this feature.

One option would be to use the text library object, but this is possibly a bit too cumbersome for you, since you would need to enter all text again.

Maybe there is an DWG import option do explode text - otherwise do it in Illustrator, which can read DWG files, too.
Lucas Becker | AC 27 on Mac | Graphisoft Insider Panelist | Author of Runxel's Archicad Wiki | Editor at SelfGDL | Developer of the GDL plugin for Sublime Text | My List of AC shortcomings & bugs | I Will Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again |

POSIWID – The Purpose Of a System Is What It Does /// «Furthermore, I consider that Carth... yearly releases must be destroyed»
I don't know a straightforward workflow for that either. But I have done it a couple of times though.

Print a pdf, use some capable enough graphics program to open that pdf - then convert text to paths, then save as pdf. Illustrator, Affinity Designer, InkScape or some other programs or dedicated converters will do.

AC: import pdf, explode pdf to fills, make complex profiles out of fills or use magic wand to make slabs if appropriate. Use complex profiles and/or slabs as needed. You can try copy-pasting between programs too, that might come out as pasted fills outright miraculously in archiCAD - but not necessarily.

It will be a tedious task though. And this approach might give you a pretty complex and big file eventually.

Maybe you'd be better off with printing it in multiple parts to pdf's and working that way, I don't know.
AC25, Rhino6/7+Grasshopper, TwinMotionMac Pro 6,1 E5-1650v2-3,5GHz/128GB/eGPU:6800XT/11.6.5 • HP Z4/Xeon W-2195/256GB/RX6800XT/W10ProWS
Not applicable
thanks guys
I have no clue about Chinese letters but i think its possible in an relatively easy way through scripting:

in GDL (scripting language in Archicad) it is possible to extract single letters from a text-string. If you script a loop with geometrical steps, you can situate the single letters at any geometrical path-points within the library-object in 2D and also extracted in 3D.

In the Masterscript, You could extract the single letters this way:
! Textstile festlegen:

DEFINE STYLE Stil2D "fontType", TextGr, 7, 1

DEFINE STYLE Stil3D "fontType", TextGr*100, 7, 1  !*100= scale-factor in 2D)

!!!! String zerlegen und einzeln an einen Array übergeben:


Anzahl = STRLEN (Buchtabenfolge)

!! Zerlegung:  (STRSUB (string_expression, start_position, characters_number))

Dim Buchstaben[]

for i = 1 to Anzahl

	Buchstaben = STRSUB (Buchtabenfolge, i, 1)

next i

in the 2D-Script it could looke like this:

!!! Buchstabenfolge aus Masterscript einsetzen:

hotspot2 0,0

if Art = "gerade" then
		for i = 1 to Anzahl
			Text2 0, 0, Buchstaben
			hotspot2 0,0
			add2 a/10, 0
		next i
		del Anzahl

if Art = "Kreis" then

	Umfang = A*2*Pi
	Einzelwinkel = 360 / Anzahl

	rot2 Einzelwinkel
		for i = 1 to Anzahl

			rot2 -Einzelwinkel*i
			add2 a, 0	
				Text2 0, 0, Buchstaben
				hotspot2 0,0

			del 2

		next i
		del Anzahl*2


if Art = "Bogen" then

	Einzelwinkel = Bogenwinkel / Anzahl

	rot2 Einzelwinkel
		for i = 1 to Anzahl

			rot2 -Einzelwinkel*i
			add2 a, 0	
				Text2 0, 0, Buchstaben
				hotspot2 0,0

			del 2

		next i
		del Anzahl*2


In the parameter-Script this line is needet:
values "Art" "gerade", "Kreis", "Bogen"
And in the parameterlist, all the needet parameters schould be present.

As i showed in 2D - it would be possible in 3D too... something like this:
hotspot2 0,0

if Art = "gerade" then
		for i = 1 to Anzahl
				Text 0.05, 0, Buchstaben
			hotspot 0,0,0
			addx a/Anzahl
		next i
		del Anzahl

if Art = "Kreis" then

	Umfang = A*2*Pi
	Einzelwinkel = 360 / Anzahl

	rotz Einzelwinkel
		for i = 1 to Anzahl

			rotz -Einzelwinkel*i
			addx a
				Text 0.05, 0, Buchstaben
				hotspot 0,0,0

			del 2

		next i
		del Anzahl*2


if Art = "Bogen" then

	Einzelwinkel = Bogenwinkel / Anzahl

	rotz Einzelwinkel
		for i = 1 to Anzahl

			rotz -Einzelwinkel*i
			addx a	
				Text 0.05, 0, Buchstaben
				hotspot 0,0,0

			del 2

		next i
		del Anzahl*2

AC5.5-AC27EduAut, PC-Win10, MacbookAirM1, MacbookM1Max, Win-I7+Nvidia
Not applicable
Thanks everyone here, i have finished the design product as below: