Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Project data & BIM
About BIM-based management of attributes, schedules, templates, favorites, hotlinks, projects in general, quality assurance, etc.

How do I become a BIM manager

Not applicable
Hi Folks,

I've recently seen alot of jobs advertised for BIM management.

Having only worked in small firms of say 10 or less people there has never been a Bim Manager.

Can you please tell me what exactly the BIM manager is responsible for and what i should focus on learning to do to become a Bim manager.

I look forward to your responses

Kind Regards
you don't want to become a BIM manager...trust me.
But....if you indeed want to know how "one" becomes a BIM manager...well, here's my 2cents.

1) Make sure you come into the office before everyone else does - round 7:30am if office hours start at 8:30am lets say.
2) Make sure you are the last one out....the last one to lock up and turn out the lights...if the office closes at 5:30pm and the last employee leaves at 6:30pm, you leave at 7:00pm or 7:30pm..sorry.
3) Make sure you thoroughly know everything there is to know about your office's setups. Meaning....OS, PC or Mac, user names, user passwords, etc..
4) Make sure YOU are the one creating and setting up the template files. That way, other users will follow YOUR rules for starting a project.
5) Make sure you are well versed in the latest AC TW situations...meaning...try to be exposed to IFC translations, multiple-story setting MOD files inside a MAIN TW file....etc...
6) Did I mention be the first one in...LAST one out?...ahh yes..I did.
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
BIM Manager Responsibilities:
1) Template file setups.
2) TeamWork setups run smoothly.
3) Trouble shooting all sorts of daily questions from YOUR users.
4) Gathering feedback from users on what THEIR needs are.
5) Assessing user needs and making a FIRM decision on what will be implemented into the template file (Remember: you WiLL NOT please all users all the time.)
6) Doing what your employer, the one who pays your bills, asks you to do.
7) Research new and latest BIM and 5D trends with regards to your profession and or BIM community.
Belong to BIM User groups...like this one....and as many more as you can belong to.
9) Read up on ALL THINGS BIM.
10) I'd even take a basic class on Revit (Sorry AC) but being BIM BILINGUAL will get your further in your career.
11) Attend BIM Usergroup local meetings in your area, city, where ever your reside.
12) Create customized office schedules with reference to door schedules, window schedules, etc....Part of Template file...to further streamline your project's efficiencies.
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
Last comment.......Be careful what you wish for...it may just come true.
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
Another way to put it...

to be a BIM manager, you need to come across as a magician. When someone calls you over to fix a problem, it's best if ArchiCAD just starts behaving properly in your presence. That's worked wonders for me.
Jared Banks, AIA
Shoegnome Architects

Archicad Blog: www.shoegnome.com
Archicad Template: www.shoegnome.com/template/
Archicad Work Environment: www.shoegnome.com/work-environment/
Archicad Tutorial Videos: www.youtube.com/shoegnome
that works Jared. I whole-heartedly agree on that point.
Usually I tell the user...."there must be a disconnect somewhere between the user and the keyboard".....most the times the users take it lightly....but then there are other users who just can't seem to figure it out........"FOLLOW THE DARN RULES MATE"....simply enuff.
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
I usually say:

"there seems to be a problem between the chair and the monitor, and it's not the keyboard or the mouse"

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
That would be the infamous I.D.I.O.T. error code...

AC 19 6006 & AC 20
Mac OS 10.11.5
15" Retina MacBook Pro 2.6
27" iMac Retina 5K
our IT calls that USER PROBLEM.
In the end what is your Objective?
ArchiCAD 9 onwards
Not applicable
ryejuan wrote:
our IT calls that USER PROBLEM.
Exactly what happen here, ryejuan!
That is USER PROBLEM & CLIENT PROBLEM (we're using BIM Connection with our client). 70% of time for solving problem is describe the problem to IT to call help.