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Layer Intersection Priorty vs. Skin Priorities (and more!)

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We're working on developing our template, and I'm working on developing our layers and composites.

First, a question:

If when creating a wall, we select enable skin priorities, and all select apply structures settings, does the wall then default to only the priorities set by the composite, thereby ignorning any layer intersection priorities that may exist?


If the above is true, how would you recommend setting aside defaults for rated partitions? we were originally going to place these on their own layer, with a separate priority to make sure "normal" walls would not intersect. Now i'm not sure if that will work.


Am I going down a "bad" path by selecting "enable skin priorites"??

Any suggestions???

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My understanding of layer priorities is that they function independently from skin priorities. Basically you have to address both, skin and layer priorities, not one or the other. So I am thinking that the answer to your question is no, by selecting 'enable skin priorites' you are not ignoring layer intersection priorities.
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well, this is what i'm getting when i have skin priorities enabled for both, and both walls on a different layer with a layer priority change of one (one layer is 1, one layer is 2) see attached image.

the way i want it to look is circled in yellow (hurray photoshop)

if at all possible, we want to avoid using the display order option (bring to front, send to back, etc). there's no way of knowing where you are in that system of "layering."

is there another setting i'm missing?

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i forgot to update the layer combination. my bad. but, i still have a question:

how do we determine which layer is "on top" using the priorities? is that possible?
you should treat layer intersection and wall priorities as two distinct things.

layer intersection priority prevents any element from interacting with any other element on a layer who's intersection value is different.

skin priority controls how those element's constitute parts do interact with each other when they are allowed to do by layer intersection.

see here for an overview of my skin priority thinking:

although i have to say i've moved on a bit from that now. as you say, fire- or acoustic-rated wall skins need to be considered such that any non-rated skin butts into them rather than joins. i do this by increasing the skin priority by one notch for any rated skin. it seems to work. occasionally there are times when i need to manually over-ride, or - as a last resort - model each skin separately. but this is very infrequent.

the drawback of this approach is that it does become a high-maintenance process. all of your users need to be on board and understand the principle or you will be spending your time unravelling wall junctions . . .

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b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
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