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Library Migration

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Hello. I just installed my ArchiCAD 13 and have a question about Libraries.

I want to import the AC13 Library, and I want to do it right. My drawings currently have the following libraries:

AC11 Migration Library
AC Library 11
AC Library 12

I have drawings that were drawn both in AC 11 & AC12 & I have a number of custom objects in my AC Library 12.

Do I want to Remove AC library 11 & 12 and leave AC 11 migration, and then add AC12 Migration Library and AC Library 13?

If you have a preference, please let me know. No use having Multiple Object etc.

I am trying to get this done today in order to make use of the downtime during the New Year holiday.

Thanks in advance.
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You should not be loading the AC11 library with the AC12 library. That's what the migration library is for. (If you get missing parts with the AC12 and migration libraries loaded there is something wrong.)

I recommend you first try loading only the AC12 library. If there are no missing parts it will mean you don't need the migration library. In AC13 you should load the migration libraries as needed (AC11 > 12, AC12 > 13) along with the new AC13 library.

In 13 you now have more options as to how to proceed. You can embed the needed legacy parts into the file which eliminates the need to load the old libraries. You can also use BIM Server libraries.
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Thank you for your reply. I have moved my Custom Objects folder into AC13 Library and updated the library in my Template so that only the following libraries are in it:

ArchiCAD 11 Migration Library
ArchiCAD 12 Migration Library
ArchiCAD Library 13

BIM Server Libraries

There is also an Embedded Library that contains 2 North Arrows that I drew and saved as 2D GDLs. I have moved copies of these into my AC 13 Library, so now I am getting a message about duplicates. I cant seem to remove these items from the embedded libraries. Any suggestions?
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D'OH! Spoke too soon. I highlighted the North Arrow objects and the big, bright red X in the lower r.h corner of the window lit up.

But as far as the library setup, does that look correct?

Thanks for the input.
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The library setup is good. I'm not sure what you mean about the red X and the North arrow though.

You may want to embed the legacy parts. AC13 allows you to do this directly into the working file (previously you could create a PLA for a similar purpose).
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Matthew, thank you for your input. I have attached a screen grab of a library manager window that has not been fully updated yet. I drew an arrow to point out the "red X" that I spoke of. As you can see, I have highlighted one of my North Arrow objects. If it were not highlighted the red x would be grayed out.

I am a bit confused on your terminology. You spoke of embedding Legacy objects. I do not understand the term legacy object.

I have made a folder in my AC 13 Library in which I keep my custom objects. Is this not as efficient as using the embedded objects?
Please forgive my ignorance, but I have had to learn this program as I go, and I am sure I have missed a lot.
Library Manager.jpg
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Legacy parts would be those from the previous libraries. Embedding them will allow you to unload the older migration libraries.

The red X is to remove the selected library. If there is no selection the X is grayed out.

It is not recommended to place your own libraries (project specific or office standards) into the default ArchiCAD library. This complicates upgrades and runs the risk of duplication or unintentional deletion of libraries. If you are a sole practice this may not be a big deal. You will need to sort out what works best for you.

Library management has always been a tricky issue. I suggest you search here and on the WIKI. There has been much discussion of this over the years.

AC13 also represents a big change in this which I haven't had time to sort out yet. Stay tuned for new methods sure to be discussed, probably in the BIM Managers forum.
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If I do not use the migration libraries, and open a drawing that was done in an earlier version of AC, will the program still be able to recognize the objects from the previous version, and if so, what are the migration libraries for?
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
I may retell what's been already told but I try to give a summary.

Library migration is not a must. If you modify only a few things in an older plan or it is nearly complete, it may be easier to stay with the AC12 (or any older) library. The two main drawbacks are that (A) since AC12 library is naturally not optimized for AC13, it is a bit slower; and (B) you won't get the latest fixes in the library parts.

In an other scenario, where you are only halfway with your project at the time of the migration, it would be wise to do the library migration asap. Since library parts evolve between main versions, many of them cannot stay compatible. Consequently, simply replacing AC Library 12 with 13 won't do the trick. We introduced Migration Library for covering the difference (hence the old name of it: subset library). So you have to load the newest library and some migration libraries to see all objects in their best shape.

In a longer project, there should come a second manual step: removing all references to the old library. If you work a project for several years, you should change the placed old object to the new ones. Your project will load faster and you don't have to deal with too many libraries all the time.

I know this summary is too short but I hope it outlines the concept.

Best regards,
Zsolt Táskai
ArchiCAD Development - GDL Team
AC13, AC14 and upwards...
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Thank you. It does explain a lot about the libraries.