Apparently nobody experienced this problem?
The uploaded 5014 project is again turned into a 5019 version file on the server, probably by it being accessed by a student using 5019.
So I have projects from two different Build numbers on the server, but they only work on the same client version.
I even had to use two different BIM Server Manager versions to access them. And yet, the server still responds that is on build 5014.
Will this still be the case with BIMcloud? As it is very tricky to ensure 100+ students stay on the same version throughout the project. I've had many of them forced to re-install ArchiCAD after having updated. The fact that they are greeted with a popup when they launch ArchiCAD makes them really wanting to install the update.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book