Hi David,
yes You may use BILLBOBUILDER beacouse you're working on MAC machine (BILLBOBUILDER is still available only for MAC). I don't know this program but my friend Rafal Sleek from Studio-Arkda (
) tested this and told me that is good choice for less money.
I working on the PC so I can't use this.
If You want create own Billboard still I get You some advice:
- Artlantis don't like antialiasing from photo editors. If You cutot motif from photography turn off antialiasing option. You must get sharp edge between motif and cutout background.
-Save mask to alpha chanell (*.tiff, *.tga), You can use next your billboard motif to improve renderings witch Photoshop or other photo editor by cutout backround by mask. (Billboards are not transparency, You can add transparent trees in Photoshop).
My web site is
, for this time only in polish. You can visit the ArchiCAD section, where I publish some samples of my shaders and billboards (not billboards to use).
Best regards