Someone here might find this bit of info interesting. Actually only those people who are interested in the most revolutionary rendering engine in the world. That would qualify a few people, quite a few.
Topic (( Moving an ArchiCAD model to Maxwell Render))
Recent message:
There are two alternatives:
1. 3ds2mxs will indeed work with any .3ds format but
it also was designed to work best with the format I'm
most familiar with; the .3ds format that SketchUp
generates during "Export to .3ds".
For example, SketchUp preserves Diffuse RGB
information and Material Names during export. 3ds2mxs
will take the RGB information and convert it to
Maxwell material
information if applicable. 3ds2mxs also parses
Material names and assigns them Maxwell materials
according to an .INI file, so that SketchUp users can
build a library of Maxwell materials and use them
within SketchUp.
3ds2mxs was meant to be a command-line interface,
suitable for batch processing (trying different
materials, etc.) with as little intervention as
possible from the use.
2. A new tool released yesterday, MatadorLight also
will import .3ds file and gives a full blown GUI to
assigning materials, etc. I am not the author of this
software, and have only played with it briefly, but it
seems to import .3ds without problems.
Between these two tools, both freely available, it
seems like ArchiCAD users can at least start playing
with this remarkable renderer. I don't work for Next
Limit but the Alpha pricing has been well worth it for
Best regards,
Author 3ds2mxs