About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

maxwell problems (SOS)!!!!

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Well, i gave up on exporting archicad models to 3ds max! It didn't work well or i didn't know how to do it! either way, i discovered a maxwell render and i allready have some problems so i need your help.

After installing maxwell plug-in a toolbox appeared in archicad. I rendered the whole scene but it was way to bright! I guess it is the sky problem because i can not set up the sky image at the bacground!

So how do I set up my archicad scene or maxwell render engine to work properly?!?! This kind of tutorials are not to be found on the internet that is i couldn't finde them, so please HELP me!!!!

Thanx big time
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you must tweak the camera settings (certainly shutter speed, try 1/1000 and lower for exterior renderings (how much time the diaphragram stays open) fstop and film ISO (the higher values the more sensetive its to light and the more bright the picture will be , so stay for 50)

If you have problems it would be better to ask at the maxwell forum at Nextlimit site
Not an answer to your question, but the 'problem' of rendering an ArchiCAD model in VIZ/3ds max has been discussed on this site several times. It works. There are some things to look out for, but enough people do this regularily.

I usually convert the ArchiCAD model to a 3ds file and load that in VIZ. You can structure the conversion process and the material mapping with plugin-scripts from Marc Lorenz.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
Moderator Emeritus
... and the complete procedure is explained on

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
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Save it as a MXS file and open in Studio, change lighting - camera iso, etc there.
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I`m trying to use MAXWELL RENDER but I am having many problems.

If I try to save my 3D model using the ArchiCAD plugin exporting to Maxwell I always get this message:

C:\ work \ maxwell \ mxsvn \ src \ QTimage.cpp(227) : QTimage error (err:0) (gsErr:-7003)

If I try to render diretly from ArchiCAD the Maxwell console application opens. Is it normal ??

In the plugin documentation there a rule that I could not undertand :

"The parent folder of mxcl.exe should be in your PATH enviroment variable if you want to start rendering directly from ArchiCAD". What does it mean ?

Please, could someone help me?
Luis wrote:
I`m trying to use MAXWELL RENDER but I am having many problems.

If I try to save my 3D model using the ArchiCAD plugin exporting to Maxwell I always get this message:

C:\ work \ maxwell \ mxsvn \ src \ QTimage.cpp(227) : QTimage error (err:0) (gsErr:-7003)
Not really helpful, since Maxwell is not distributed with source-code included... (svn = subversion version control? src = source code - QTimage = Quicktime Image? Qt Image)

AFAIK, Maxwell is using the Qt framework from Trolltech (not the same as Quicktime from Apple) for a cross-platform application. It might be that Maxwell doesn't find the right libraries (as indicated in the following question) or you have a conflict with other Qt applications, for which their libraries are allready loaded.
Luis wrote:
If I try to render diretly from ArchiCAD the Maxwell console application opens. Is it normal ??

In the plugin documentation there a rule that I could not undertand :

"The parent folder of mxcl.exe should be in your PATH enviroment variable if you want to start rendering directly from ArchiCAD". What does it mean ?

Please, could someone help me?
That seams quite clear: you have to add the folder where Maxwell is installed into the PATH environment variable.

Go to My Computer > Properties...
This opens the System Properties dialog. There you have the Advanced tab where you can press "Environment variables".

You can go to the first list (User variables for "username") and check if a PATH variable is already there. If there is, add the folder path to it, otherwise press New and add the variable yourself.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book