03:07 PM
- last edited on
12:29 PM
Noemi Balogh
2006-11-11 02:25 PM
2006-11-12 09:23 PM
2006-11-13 06:54 PM
2006-11-13 11:32 PM
2006-12-05 11:37 PM
2006-12-06 09:19 AM
Luis wrote:Not really helpful, since Maxwell is not distributed with source-code included... (svn = subversion version control? src = source code - QTimage = Quicktime Image? Qt Image)
I`m trying to use MAXWELL RENDER but I am having many problems.
If I try to save my 3D model using the ArchiCAD plugin exporting to Maxwell I always get this message:
C:\ work \ maxwell \ mxsvn \ src \ QTimage.cpp(227) : QTimage error (err:0) (gsErr:-7003)
Luis wrote:That seams quite clear: you have to add the folder where Maxwell is installed into the PATH environment variable.
If I try to render diretly from ArchiCAD the Maxwell console application opens. Is it normal ??
In the plugin documentation there a rule that I could not undertand :
"The parent folder of mxcl.exe should be in your PATH enviroment variable if you want to start rendering directly from ArchiCAD". What does it mean ?
Please, could someone help me?