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Allow Revisions to link to schedules automatically

It would be great if changes applied to elements, especially doors and windows, were automatically included in schedules and applied to the revision manager on the layouts the schedules are placed.

Lee Hankins
ArchiCAD 4.5 - Archicad 27UKI Apple Silicon 27.2.1
macOS Sonoma (14.5)

Also, it gets even more frustrating when the schedule splits over several pages / layouts; apply a manual revision note for one element on page one and it appears on each split page, even if it is completely irrelevant. 

Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)

And add auto text for ‘sheet 1 of x’ etc. 

Lee Hankins
ArchiCAD 4.5 - Archicad 27UKI Apple Silicon 27.2.1
macOS Sonoma (14.5)