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Dimension Placement in String

Not applicable
I would like to see Graphisoft update dimensioning so that the dimension text is always between the witness lines unless told otherwise. It takes time to manually move each dimension text to its proper placement and to me it is not necessary to have the text other than where it should be.
Not applicable
There are times when the dimension texts would overlap the leader lines or even each other and really need to move. I would like to have the option for the text to offset perpendicular to the string line rather than parallel to it.

At least the dimension texts should not offset unless they overlap the leader lines; right now the text moves if it even gets close to the arrowheads/hash marks. I have found that I can get a better result with small dots instead of hash marks as they don't take up as much room.
Dave Jochum
Matthew wrote:
I would like to have the option for the text to offset perpendicular to the string line rather than parallel to it.

At least the dimension texts should not offset unless they overlap the leader lines; right now the text moves if it even gets close to the arrowheads/hash marks.
I agree that the current behavior is a little too dynamic, if you will (moving the text when not actually necessary to avoid overlap of witness lines). Otherwise, I don't have a problem with the current operation. In a dimension chain, text moves parallel if there is room for it and perpendicular if not. A solo dimension will always move parallel, but even solo dimensions often align with other dimensions on a drawing, and I prefer the clarity this relationship provides rather than having dimension texts jumping around. Just MHO, of course.
Dave Jochum
J o c h u m A R C H I T E C T S
MBP 16" (M1 Max) 64 GB•OS 13.5.2•AC 27 Silicon (latest build)