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GO - Merging Fills


Hello together,


because this former topic about GO seems to be closed now... I've to write a new one anyway, to bring the subject up again (... and I'm thinking about to do something that shows it at top all time... 😏 )


In many projects I used the workaround, to work in early project state with just one building material for solid real materials (concrete, brick´work, etc.) and i.e. another one for insulation materials, etc.  ... to get a seamless display in ground plans and sections... without the obligation having that all just in black.color.

But with a current project, I need alt least to different concrete materials... with different intersection priorities.


Foundation (Ground Plan)



Upper Stories (Ground Plan)



Result in Section



Before GO came, there was a simple rule:

Material displayed with the same fill merges.


Now there is no way to avoid separators between different materials.

(... except using 'Hide Skin Separators'... but this causes a lot of other problems... see linked topic.)


I mean, the GO are actually such a powerful tool... but it's impossible to get this simple display task done. Can that be true?

(I'm disappointed since I've realized this inability (again)... and I yet don't know how to get a proper seamless display in this project....
Maybe I just forget the different materials and try to control the intersection with layer numbers (possible because everything is just orthogonally here...).. but that's no good solution...)


Archicad For Future

archicad versions 8-27 | mac os 13 | win 10

Am I really the only one who faces this issue?

Archicad For Future

archicad versions 8-27 | mac os 13 | win 10
Rockstar make it ab bit catchy with a simple wall-slab-connection

Basically I've this:



d'like to get this for earlier design state:



... but just can get something like this with GO, now (... if I want to keep the same building material)





Archicad For Future

archicad versions 8-27 | mac os 13 | win 10



The separators are generated in intersections because materials are different, GO cant resolve this, unfortunately, AFAIK There's no way to get that lines disappear 

AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, 32 GB RAM, RTX 3080 10 GB
Archicad 27
Windows 11 professional

When I hide skin separators via GO – in a miraculous way, every separator between different material vanishes.


Would be great, to apply this function to destined fills

(... and hide only really skin separators of component elements with the other function 😉)

Archicad For Future

archicad versions 8-27 | mac os 13 | win 10