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2024 Technology Preview Program

2024 Technology Preview Program:
Master powerful new features and shape the latest BIM-enabled innovations

Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Management of Viewpoints/Views/Drawings/Layouts

The Navigator Maps are great for quick access but not at all suited for management. For Drawings we have the Drawing Manager but for Views and Layouts we instead have to rely on Project Indexes to get a good overview and although interactive they still fall short of a proper manager. For the items in the Project Map there's not even that. 


In addition to the Navigator I would like to see better management functionality consolidated into one palette which would give the combined functionality of the current Drawing Manager and Project Indexes with different modes for the different categories Viewpoint, View, Layout, Drawing and perhaps even Publisher. It could be build on the framework of the Organizer with the second tree changed to a mode specific manager.  


Some specific wanted functions of the manager:

  • overview the settings for multiple items,
  • sort, filter and organise items based on settings,
  • edit multiple items at once either through the settings dialog or directly in the manager,
  • pick up/inject settings between items,
  • show any cross-category relationships viewpoints > views > drawings > layouts > publisher sets and select any such related item in the manager as well as open the item in a window.

@thesleepofreason I agree the whole Navigation palette workflow & various duplications need a review but the question of consolidation with Drawing Manager is not one I favour. For efficiency I think minute to minute we need an easy way to get around all the various views but intermittently all those views and their settings need managed in a single window typically with the relevant View tree on the left and their properties on the right.

Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)

Yes, Navigator should remain as it is - the wished for management functionality is an addition. Taking the Organizer and replacing the right side with an enhanced combination of the Drawing Manager and Project Indexes would be my approach and it would give something similar to what you describe.