Post your wishes about Graphisoft products: Archicad, BIMx, BIMcloud, and DDScad.

Param-O Wish

I think we should have a dedicated folder in the Wish Lists for the Param-O tool....
Just to get started:
- I wish param-o had the ability for hotkey definitions
- I wish breaking a node connection in param-o involved only one click or two max
- lets not have to answer a question - come on guys we can do it! .....
- say we click twice on the connection and it disconnects - Oh My that would be amazing!
- profile extrusions on a curved path....
- a full screen editor button in the editor!!!!! or atleast remember the size of the screen i used last time...
- folders in the editor library
- a single click on a node should display the node settings in a node selections settings box off to the side....
- but (and this is important) it should not force me to close the selection settings to continue working with the nodes ...
- remember the power of an amazing editor!!!
- dont get the GDL team to build the editor, they need to build their own.
- how do we keep track of very complicated code
- the basic idea is good, but becomes overwhelming on complicated objects. I don't have solution ..... but i know you guys are really smart on this.
THANK YOU for your effort Worker Bees ....
To Management ---> Lets get this done. Param-o could be be best thing Archicad ever did. Lets do it.
Please don't leave this to be nothing more than a sales pitch.
Gary Ford
Self Employed - Modeling, Estimating, Construction
Archicad 12-26
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor
3701 Mhz, 12 Core(s), 24 Logical Processor(s)
(RAM) 128 GB
Karl Ottenstein
I've moved this wish to the "Open Archicad Wishes" section which covers "GDL language and objects". I agree with could have some better wish organization in the future. But do note, that the wish forums are generally for a single wish with a voting poll - not a long list of items, valuable as that feedback must be to Graphisoft. Graphisoft had asked for PARAM-O feedback in a discussion thread elsehwere:

One of the forum moderators
AC 27 USA and earlier   •   macOS Ventura 13.6.7, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Jim Allen

I have previously posted these requests:

1. Display of variable/number values
Sometimes, when components are not behaving as expected, it would be nice to see exactly what values are being passed

2. Display of axes and origin
It is easy to lose track of exactly where these things are, having a visual display would be much easier

3. Logical operators
It would be nice to have conditional statements to use with the parameters, so that based on some values, we could set others. This is useful for validating user input. I'm building a spur shelving component and it would be good to set a minimum value for the height of the shelves. There is a balance to be struck between the overall height and spacing of the shelves, so there is a conflict between shelf numbers, spacing and height. The only way I can find of resolving this is to use logical statements to filter the inputs.

4. More options for list input of values
I don't know how to configure user input so that it is limited to a list of variables. When we are designing components for others to use, it can be easier if some components have plain text options for input which translate to numeric equivalents. For example if I want to configure washtrough heights, it's easier if we allow users to choose the age group, and have the parameters filled in automatically. Otherwise they will have to look up what the recommendations are. Currently I can't find any way of doing this. Also - some numeric series do not necessarily have consistent intervals. I don't know how we can deal with this either.

5. Option to increase number of decimal places displayed.
Units are metres, so parts parameters often need to work to 4 decimal places. Having Param-o round these up in the display is really unhelpful.

6. Indicator to show which variables are user-configurable parameters
When you have lots of variables, it can be nice to be able to see at a glance which ones are user-configurable. This could be a different colour/shade dialog or even a graphical indicator.

7. Facility to add notes/comments to nodes
Node trees can get very complex very quickly, and it can be tricky to keep track of what you are doing at what stage. The ability to show or hide explanatory comments would help in development a lot I think.

Archicad 27 UKI | OS X 12.7.1 Monterey