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link GDL objects to built elements

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Can we hope for this in the future of GDL?:
objects that take as input parameters elements on the plan?
For example you select a slab to take its perimeter as an array of point that you use in your script.
Or you click a curve and get its path to define a tube fonction. then when you change the curve, the object is modified accordingly.
The first one is almost possible now with the accessory add-on but kind of tricky.
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Good point.
but you can use the Accessoires Add-on if you want an object from a roof or slab right now. I have never done this, only thought about it, but it would be easy just to make a new accessoire-object with a boundary of a slab or roof.

But we need to give GS some more examples:
-Distribute an object over a certain path, for instance, balusters of a railing.
-Make prefabricated concrete slabs over a certain area.

Just simply stretch an object with A and B value is not enough.
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Yes the accessory add-on shows that it is possible to use building elements to pass parameters to GDL objects.
That is great, but my wish would be to use it the other way round: from the object side being able to choose an element to be used as an input.
That way you could use even curves or other 2d drwaing elements too.
let's dream.
No idea if it would be very hard to implement though
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni

Thanks for the ideas and use cases!

It would be a nice big project to implement the solution I'm shaping in my head:) I'm afraid it won't happen soon but I think it is in the top 3 bigger GDL issues to solve. We'll consider it next time we can choose a project of this size in the GDL area!

Feel free to add further input to this thread, it can get even more useful by the time we get to it:)

Thanks again,
Zsolt Táskai
ArchiCAD Development - GDL Team
AC13, AC14 and upwards...
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Hi Zsolt!
thanks for asking me more ideas!
I got plenty of concerning GDL. I like it very much for the possibilities it offers and at the same time it is very frustrating. For me it is GDL that makes Archicad so attractive, and I am a bit disappointed that it is not given the importance it deserves.
What I really like with GDL is a possibility to both experiment with algorithms and at the same time be able to use this experiments in real projects thanks to it being a part of Archicad.
As it is now the problem is like Masterscript described that you only can control it with A,B,and ZZYZX. The accessory add-on opens a world of possibilities but is still like an half way solution.
If you could in an object select inputs from elements in the plan it would be huge. I can't help thinking of Grasshoper where you can choose geometries as input for datas. You can even choose bitmaps that are then interpreted in the way you want.

I 'llcome with a more developped idea at another time.

Beside of these ideas some features would evidently make the work a bit easier:
-color syntax
-a possibity of outputting values in console without stopping the program.

Keep up the good work!