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Easier Parametric Object Creation

Jarrod Phillips

Hi All,


This is something I am sure has been brought up many times over the years, but I will say it again, we need a more efficient way to create parametric objects within Archicad.


I am currently working on a hospital project in Australia and I have been tasked with creating our company AusHFG library for current and future hospital projects. Whilst I love using GDL, I can’t help but think as an Archicad practice we are at a severe disadvantage when it comes to creating objects when compared to Revit based practices.


Creating parametric objects is critical to hospital work and a lot of resources are spent creating a working AusHFG library, time that could be better spent on project work. It’s evident that there has been community backlash with regard to the latest Archicad release. I think it’s fair to say that Archicad really needs to do something big for long term Archicad users like myself in order to win back trust. A more efficient way to create parametric objects is a great place to start and something that frankly needs to be addressed. Revit is looking more and more appealing.






1 answer for this subject, already said, learn GDL coding, it's easy ! we are lazy users, come on ! spend Tons of hours infront your pc, learn and test objects, find errors, learn coding, read the GDL coockbook, read millions of lines, search on google , try to learn, learn, learn again, but NO "Easier Parametric Object Creation" , we have GDL, deal with it or leave it....

you are an Architect, you have some time to waste writing codes and drawing drafts on papers, and on gdl editor later, 

Oh no, wait, you have paramo ! you can create tables, organig sun shades, and boxes,

What an irony .... an architecture design sowftware that can't create parametric objects easily ....

Rubia Torres

Hi @Jarrod Phillips,


Apart from GDL, we have alternatives for easier parametric object creation: Library Part Maker and PARAM-O. If you are not familiar with these tools yet, you are welcome to check them out here:


We will have a webinar to introduce these tools on November 10, 2022 9:00 CEST. The recording will be available afterwards for those that cannot join live.

We actually have just launched a Community challenge on the theme, if you are interested.
In the challenge page you can get a coupon to have FREE access to these 2 courses on Graphisoft Learn:




Param-o would be an amazing tool if it was developed to the level of Vectorworks Marrionette but unfortunately GS have left it behind like so many of their tools. Library part maker is a basic system that GS think is great, like so many of their other tools. The GDL editor has not been developed yet it is one area that AC could be improved substantially. The addition of Python a few versions back should have been the start of a path towards better GDL creation but again it has been left behind by GS. As the whole world of 3D modelling moves towards USD as a standard, Archicads dependence on 40yr old GDL scripting becomes more and more archaic. It doesn't matter how much technology you add to a cart, if its still being pulled by a horse you are going to be left behind. Unfortunately GS doesn't seem to understand this and sadly it will be left behind as others move forward. It will take very strong leadership to steer AC back onto the right path but it just doesn't seem like the current management at GS have this strength or the access to the $$ needed to make a positive change for the future of the software. If you are at the start of your career in the BIM world I would strongly suggest you get off the AC cart and find a alternate mode of transport that will get you to the future faster!

Jarrod Phillips

Hi Rubia,


I am well aware of the capabilities of PARAM-O and the Library Part Maker, both of which are very basic and seem like Band-Aid solutions to a much larger issue. Like many have mentioned, these projects are often started by Graphisoft and then completely abandoned. Unfortunately with the number of objects that need to be created for hospital projects (3000+) this task seems overwhelmingly impossible with the available tools. There are few practices in Australia who use Archicad and work on hospital projects, and it’s not hard to see why.


it seems Graphisoft is more interested in spending their budget on marketing and engineering (very strange) rather than developing the tools users have been requesting for many years.

I really hope Graphisoft take these comments seriously.







I am super excited about the community challenge!

We have a series of tools that are built specifically for this purpose. They allow you to populate a catalogue, within the GDL objects, with all the various configurations and options you need.


I do plan to start populating these tools with the AusHFG content as I have had many people ask me to do so over the last 15 years, but I have too much paid work to get through, so I don't see it happening this year. The tools cover plumbing, joinery, fixtures and equipment, lighting and electrical. If you would like to get a group together to fund such a project, then the work could be done quicker than you could convert Revit models, such is the efficiency of the tools.

Jarrod Phillips

Hi Kristian,


Thanks for your response. I believe my colleague Scott has been in contact with you regarding this. I would be interested to see an example of this? Would it be possible to share an example object or a demonstration of how this works?


In addition, whilst I appreciate your assistance, I still firmly believe that Graphisoft need to take proactive steps to make GDL accessible to more users. In my experience there are very few individuals who actually have working GDL knowledge and it’s a hard sell to directors to convince them to allocate time to object creation given the amount of time it takes. This should be a task that basic Archicad users should be able to manage. I enjoy GDL scripting, however at the end of the day our primary occupation is architecture not programming. The industry can’t be propped up by a few generous individuals like yourself to see all of our projects through. These types of things are much better to be handled in-house.


I would be happy to discuss your offer further on LinkedIn.





Yes, Scott did reach out to me but never requested a demo (assumed he was exploring many options), and I didn't follow it up because I've had so many people reach out to me about this over the years that I don't waste time chasing it as it always ends in nothing, obviously, otherwise we wouldn't still be in this situation.


I agree also that Graphisoft should do something about making GDL more accessible and I do believe Param-o will get there but not sure how long it will take. I have to look into it more but perhaps the community just needs to build lots of Param-o macros for sharing useful functions and geometry.


I will message you on LinkedIn.

Gerald D Lock

Attempting to build PARAM-O objects feels a bit like building a vacuum cleaner from found objects in a dark room. I've looked through the entire Param-O 'User Guide' (took me all of 10 minutes!) The 'guide' is utterly ridiculous - most of the pages describe NOTHING that isn't already implied by the page name (the Transform pages for example). No information on how this should be nested in a node assembly.
Come on Graphisoft - we pay thousands of dollars every year for our licence. Some decent documentation for new features like this is essential, as no-one else knows how to use it (or if they do, they're keeping very quiet about it!)
Like most users, I need multiple worked examples and properly detailed technical documentation.


Unfortunately you are going to continue to be disappointed. The driving programmer behind PARAM-O has long since left GS and the current management  don't seem to realize that  PARAM-O, as it is now, was just a proof of concept. To understand what it could be just have a look at Vectorworks Marrionette. If PARAM-O was at that level then it would be amazing! The reality is that it is not, and I can't see GS bothering to update/develope it anytime soon.


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