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Project Origin in 3d (on/off)

Patrick M

I know this has come up in many, many, many discussions; I'm surprised I did not see it in a wish list item here when I searched for it.
A client just asked me today if it was possible to hide the x/y/z (project origin) in 3d. He is trying to use the model to grab screen shots, and is tired of clone stamping out 'quick' screen shots to send to clients to get rid of that orign.
Could be a 3d style toggle, work environment toggle, or some other control to hide that? I know a lot of architects that use the live model in presentations and just take screen grabs in lieu of full renderings for quick sketches to consultants, builders, and clients; and the project origin is just the distraction any one needs to derail a presentation/meeting with a question like "whats that?"

Karl Ottenstein

I don't see a way of hiding the origin in the 3D window.  If the model isn't near the origin, it may not show if that helps.  But, if your client uses the Print command to save a PDF of the 3D window image... the origin/axes do not show up in the PDF, in case that helps.  Or, Save As as an image.


Some old threads on this same issue:


While a long-standing wish... I didn't find an actual "Wish" thread.  This is such an old wish (for on-screen options) that it surprising that it hasn't simply been implemented by now...

Miha Nahtigal

There is an easy workaround.

Click and hold middle mouse button (wiggle a bit). The origin will disappear. Keep holding a middle mouse button and press Alt+PrtScr

Patrick M

that does work, but you still need to edit the image to crop off the w/e, since you can't select the screen portion you want while holding the middle click down. If going through the truoble to crop the screen shot down to eliminate tool bars, pallets, etc... may as well just clone stamp it out.
It seems that it should just be a feature to hide the project origin in 3d. Honestly, I don't know how difficult an update/feature this would be to implement, but I know at least 30 mac users that would be ecstatic about this as an option

Laszlo Nagy
Community Admin
Community Admin

There are screen capture solutions that can easily capture exactly what you want, for example, the content of a clicked window, like the 3D window in this case. I am using Snagit on Windows, I assume there are similar software available on Mac.

Karl Ottenstein

Mac has a built-in screen capture facility, too, Laszlo.  But both it and Snagit require the use of the mouse to select the rectangle for the screenshot... and that cannot be done at the same time as holding the middle button down to make the origin axes disappear from the 3D window. 😥

Laszlo Nagy
Community Admin
Community Admin

In Snagit, there is also a mode where you press the shortcut key for the capture, and a pre-specified rectangular area on the screen is captured. You set the coordinates of the top left corner and the width/height of the capture. No need for mouse click. That could work.


With the Windows Snipping Tool you can release the orbit key as soon as you activate the Snipping Tool Shortcut, as it actually takes a freeze of your screen pausing what ever is happening, so you can then select that portion of the screen you wish to capture.

Patrick M

Laszlo, there are KBS for screen shots, both of selected area or entire screen, on Mac. 
but none of this gets around what has been a long standing frustration. And not just for screen shots.

I can't tell you how many times I've been in live / on-the-fly presentations with clients or even other (non-archicad) architects and had this conversation:

"what is that thing floating over the (part of the model the origin is ghosting through)"
"it's the 0,0,0 origin of the file, it just hangs around"
"can you turn it off? its kind of distracting"
"no, unfortunately it's always on"

One of the biggest challenges in architecture has always been directing the conversation to clients, consultants, builders, etc. Getting the level of detail just right to not distract a schematic presentation with what may seem to be overly developed LOD, while not showing things too vague to not get the vision across. It only takes one out of place or ugly piece of furniture to completely derail a client meeting. I once had a client presentation where we ended up spending 3 hours searching and applying RGB paint codes because the color wasn't exactly what they were picturing (we were supposed to be reviewing a kitchen layout, NOT paint colors).
So it may seem like a non-issue from a development perspective, and there are work-arounds for the screen shot issue; not the least of which is third party real time rendering solutions (I use Twinmotion). But the issue is often much deeper and more significant than just a simple screen grab.


4d is asking for an option to hide the origin in 3D, which is a legitimate request. It is tiring to say the least to keep coming here and having GS devs or admins belittling such requests and offering crappy workarounds. And everyone, if the OP is a mac user please do not offer windows-only suggestions.


The simple reality is, those of us who spend our days using Archicad waste way more time fighting and working around the all the flaws, bugs, and incomplete workflows than we will ever make up with grand new features (which are usually themselves loaded with flaws, bugs and incomplete workflows).


100% agree with @Patrick M and @SeaGeoff. This is such a simple and easy request. Turning the project origin on/off should be a toolbar button and KBS. Or even just a work environment option. I find the temporary user origin in 3D useful, but the actual project origin? It's a useless remnant. It should be hidden by default. And the temp origin should disappear when we don't need it, not just jump back to the origin.


This issue sounds silly and trivial, but it's not. Like what 4dProof describes, this affects typical users and they shouldn't need to learn some external work around process. Furthermore, in this age of virtual meetings and social media, anything that slows down or lessens the sharing of images is a problem. Screenshots are great for posting on Instagram and elsewhere. Having that stupid, worthless origin show up in most of my images because it can't be hidden or moved out of view annoys me constantly.


GRAPHISOFT is putting effort into updating the 3D window, as is clear by the Archicad 27 experimental Physically Based Rendering in 3D feature. Turning off the stupid origin in 3D will make a bigger impact on users' daily lives than this different 3D window rendering engine.


Easy solution, easy fix, easy win. GRAPHISOFT, are you listening?


with 26 Votes

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