Hi! In a renovation project, i have a part where there was a small wall
that has been demolished, which left a hole in it. Im having troubles
understanding the mechanics of how can i push that earth to the stair
level. Do i have to make some earth ma...
Hi! I have a door with a thershold in a renovation. The threshold is
occupying part of the stone wall that comes from the previous floor and
i cant seem to remove that chunk of wall, so it doesnt clash with the
threshold. I tried SOE, but considering...
Hi! Something weird happened today while building a rail for some
stairs: 3D view is ok, but the plan view got completely messed up with
some kind of stone hatch pattern or something crazy attached to it! Any
ideas? Cheers, Z
Hello! Trying to demolish part of a slab to make way for new
construction, happening where part of the slab existed, as in the
pictures. How can i go about taking a chunk of the slab and show it as
demolition? (actually its 3 slabs cause there are le...
Hi How would i go about to design this skewed simple concrete staircase,
considering some steps are not paralell, and also some steps are wider
than others? Cheers,Z
I was getting the same problem and, as an alternative to modeling near
the origin, i think if you select a convenient object around the area
you wanna orbit, this weird orbit chaning point shifts back to normal
again. At least i got that result consi...
Yeah, i thought about that, but then having to manage invisible layers
for SEO's like those can become a real pain in the ass, tracking all
those hidden objects you had to use for these operations. I see
sometimes AC has some really cheesy workaround...
Thank you guys for all your inputs. They are are similar but little
different approaches, which gives me already enough material to get it
going in a workable way. Cheers! Z
Hi David, I see, that will work, even though i would think having
overlapped copies wouldn't be ideal. Still i see one flaw: if you create
a hole in the slab marked as "existing", when you go for the "existing"
filter the hole will be showing up, rig...
Hi Laszlo! It was me actually who posted that. I know its similar, but
in my understanding there are some subtle differences that make it a
different case to solve, in my view: In the other topic we can just make
a top layer of ceramic (for example) ...