since ‎2010-09-27

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  • 72 Posts
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Hello - My license is suddenly not showing up on my License Manager Tool. It is however showing up on the online Company License Pool. Any idea how to work around this? I really need to get some work done! Thank you.
Does anyone know whether there are any plugins or workflows which allows for embodied carbon content analysis? I'm looking for something like Tally which incorporates EC3 information.Thanks for any help.
I recently updated to Mojave and now have an issue where my software key always needs to be uploaded and repaired each time the Mac is restarted. Then re-downloaded to use ArchiCAD. Any ideas on how to fix this would be appreciated. Thanks.
Does anyone know what the rationale is behind the US pens in Archicad? I've been working with a template that modifies the pens and have grown frustrated at having to adjust pens every time I use a new object. What is best practice for being thorough...
I'm hoping someone can help me with a roof I'm trying to create. It's basically a shed roof where I would like the ridge fixed at a certain height (35') and the exterior wall fixed at 25'. The problem I'm having is that the exterior wall is not paral...
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