since ‎2013-10-24

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I am trying to write a independent and/or a associative labile to a plan via the Python ExecuteAddOnCommand interface. I simply reference the sample CreateLabel( ) and CreateLabel_Associative( ) functions demoed in the Element)Test example code. Thes...
Unlisted video which describes the options demonstrated in the plan:
Anyone also having trouble loading objects from the Graphisoft BIM Portal? About half of the objects I try to download result in failure. I get the message that a "Serious Error Occurred" Latest try was the Basin Cabinet 23. IMNOHO -- Graphisoft's qu...
Does anyone know the procedure to copy paste a object from one plan into another, where the object was previously create in a option set. if I try to copy/paste a option object, I get the message: Elements have been created in currently inactive desi...
Why is Graphisoft filling up my e-Mail box with old Development Posts PLEASE STOP IT.