since ‎2017-05-26
2 weeks ago

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  The "local origin" parameter in the "Grids & Background" window can't be changed, it doesn't match the origin in the actual 3D space nor the 2D views. I tried reseting the user origin in the 3D space and it changes the origin but this doesn't propa...
Help please! I've modified Archicad's "Spotlight Kit 25" Lamp object to rotate along its "Y" axis. But when I rotate it, one of its original elements gets duplicated, as if I made a copy as I was rotating. The object from the screenshot has been rota...
AC25-2021-09-23-21-14-28-9432Archicad crashes when a surface texture fill in elevation is published/saved as pdf. I have replicated the error on 2 different MAC machines. On mine the eGPU was disconnected at all times. Whenever the surface texture fi...
I created some Zones and set their Renovations Status to "New" and they won't show on a simple Zone Schedule. I tried to replicate the issue on a New template and everything works fine.
When lines of wall/slab edges overlap with mesh cut lines in sections, both lines disappear. Has anyone ever had a similar problem? This happens when a wall/slab shares an edge with the mesh or when they share edges because of SEO. When I turn on "Tr...
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