It should be possible to with just one click override all surfaces of an
element instead of going having to first override atleast two, then link
surfaces and then override some more surfaces.
It would be useful if it for sections/elevations was possible to show
the content in 3D with the range as a limiter as it would make it easy
to jump between 2D and 3D as needed without having to reorient and setup
cutting planes. It would be preferab...
It should really be able to define and save cutting planes (and
combinations there of) and so make them available across multiple views.
Currently cutting planes have to be graphically set up and saved for
each view which is both inefficient and pron...
When modelling with grid lines as references it naturally is useful to
have the entire length shown but for a lot of documentation it is
cleaner to just show a segment. Currently it is not possible to change
between these situations in different view...
Having multiple 3D viewpoints of the model is important both for
modelling and presentation purposes but currently it is not possible to
define any viewpoints in addition to the two generic projections. Yes -
it is possible to save multiple 3D views ...
@Brandon-W_DWa Yes - the inability to properly and consistently set
higher level settings is, be it for viewmap items, attributes, or
element types, really is beyond belief. A related wish is Automatic Name
and ID for Folder Items
As implemented both renovation and design option are simplistic features
that offer little meaningful gain in workflow efficiency as they are
completely ignorant of change forcing the modeller to duplicate elements
that are identical in a certain asp...
A new released and free addon which lets you quickly search for commands
and shows how utterly outdated the AC UI really is - Also just noticed that I've
missed a few updates to the layer palette - apparent...