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Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

Delete Elevations get error!


I am try to delete Elevation element using below code but always get error saying "The command cannot be executed with the passed parameters." with error code -2130312311.


GS::Array<API_DatabaseUnId> dbases;
GSErrCode err = ACAPI_Database(APIDb_GetElevationDatabasesID, nullptr, &dbases);
if (err == NoError) {
for (const auto& dbUnId : dbases) {
API_DatabaseInfo dbPars = {};
BNZeroMemory(&dbPars, sizeof(API_DatabaseInfo));
dbPars.databaseUnId = dbUnId;
GSErrCode err2 = ACAPI_Database(APIDb_GetDatabaseInfoID, &dbPars, nullptr);
if (err2 == NoError && dbPars.typeID == APIWind_ElevationID) {
GSErrCode err3 = ACAPI_Database(APIDb_DeleteDatabaseID, &dbPars, nullptr);
if (err3 != NoError) {
ACAPI_WriteReport("Remove Elevation Error >> %d", true, err3);


Is there anyone could suggest how to fix?


Did you already try deleting the Elevation marker with ACAPI_Element_Delete?

I've just tested it, and that works and also removes the elevation itself.
Don't forget to put it in an undo scope.


Hello bschwb,


Thanks for your suggestion. Anyway, how to get Elevation marker list as per mentioned above?.

I have try with dbPars.databaseUnId.elemSetId from above code but still no luck.


You have to options to get the list of elevation markers:

  1. Use ACAPI_Element_GetElemList
  2. Use the linkedElement of an Elevation Database

Sample Codes

Sample code for Option 1:

ACAPI_CallUndoableCommand ("Remove All Elevations 1", []() -> GSErrCode {
	GSErrCode err = NoError;

	GS::Array<API_Guid> elevationMarkers{};
	err = ACAPI_Element_GetElemList (API_ElevationID, &elevationMarkers);
	if (err != NoError) { return err; }

	err = ACAPI_Element_Delete (elevationMarkers);
	return err;

Sample code for Option 2 (adapted from your previously posted code):

ACAPI_CallUndoableCommand ("Remove All Elevations 2", []() -> GSErrCode {
	GS::Array<API_DatabaseUnId> dbases;
	GSErrCode err = ACAPI_Database (APIDb_GetElevationDatabasesID, nullptr, &dbases);
	if (err == NoError) {
		for (const auto& dbUnId : dbases) {
			API_DatabaseInfo dbPars = {};
			BNZeroMemory (&dbPars, sizeof (API_DatabaseInfo));
			dbPars.databaseUnId = dbUnId;
			GSErrCode err2 = ACAPI_Database (APIDb_GetDatabaseInfoID, &dbPars, nullptr);
			if (err2 == NoError && dbPars.typeID == APIWind_ElevationID) {
				GSErrCode err3 = ACAPI_Element_Delete ({ dbPars.linkedElement });
				if (err3 != NoError) {
					ACAPI_WriteReport ("Remove Elevation Error >> %d", true, err3);

	return NoError;

Hope that helps,


Hello Bernd,


Thanks a lot for your clearly suggestion. I will make a test on it.

BTW, I am not sure whether it could be use with Sections part or not.


Both solutions also work for sections.


  • Option 1: Use API_CutPlaneID
  • Option 2: Use APIDb_GetSectionDatabasesID and APIWind_SectionID
Joel Buehler

i never worked with the ACAPI_Database, but are you sure you dont need to put those API Calls not in a ACAPI_CallUndoableCommand method? 


edit: oops, did not see your post. sorry 😄