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Does Archicad support IFCSpatialZone?



IFC4.3 has this definition: https://ifc43-docs.standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4x3/HTML/lexical/IfcSpatialZone.htm

Supporting it would be valuable and add interoperability with clients, officials etc.

There are numerous use cases for it, for example defining volume and location of a flat inside a building. In many cases flat's official area and/or volume is not a sum of rooms (Archicad zones (IFCspaces) inside it).


Therefore grouping IfcSpaces to a IFCZone isn't sufficient.


In our market there are legally binding official areas that are necessary to be presented and communicated within the models (native+ifc). Modeling them with Morph and classifying as Zone is not elegant either.


There is a definite need for better spatial data management.


In other words what is the plan of supporting IFC4.3, 29 or is there an existing solution?




Operating system used: Mac Apple Silicon Sonoma


We’re trying to use IfcSpatialZone to model compartments. Alas, I don’t find a way to do this with Archicad. I’ve seen threads in this forum from 2020 asking for it. I guess this wasn’t a requirement to get IFC4 certified?

--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book



I posted for this a long time ago and even created a wish that, unfortunately, Graphisoft got archived (I asked the support about the reason).



I am a co-author of the Spatial Zone Technical Report by buildingSMART International in which we deploy and suggest to software vendors the features and need for implementing IfcSpatialZone properly. That class has existed within the schema since IFC; therefore, it is not new on IFC 4.3.x, either.


IFC Spatial Zone – Use Cases, Requirements and Implementation BR-2023-1025-TR Report
David Delgado Vendrell

i7-7820HK CPU 2,90GHz 32GB RAM
Triple Monitor 17"+25"+32" Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080
SSD+HDD, Win10 Home - 64 ENG
AC18-AC28 INT/SPA (64-bit, latest build)
Surfing with Archicad since 2013

I could retrieve the archived wish using the webarchive website from internet:


Do you want to create an instance of IfcSpatialZone when publishing IFC4 RV ?

No votes
I don't know
No votes


By daviddelven



I wonder why the class IfcSpatialZone appears in the IFC Schema when setting up the Property Mapping in IFC Translator, if you cannot generate any geometry and map it to that class using the Type Mapping setting.

https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC ... alzone.htm


 IFC Manager (IfcSpatialZone)
 Anotació 2020-04-09 180452.png (45.73 KiB) Viewed 591 times

On the other hand, you can export any geometry to IfcSite using the Type Mapping, and this class is a subtype of the IfcSpatialStructure, sibling of IfcSpatialZone sharing the same SuperType IfcSpatialElement.

The advantage of using this Class IfcSpatialZone is that you can attach a geometry into an independent spatial structure, not following the hierarchy of IfcSite>IfcBuilding>IfcBuildingStorey. We have several situations in which we have to inform about such those spatial structures, i.e. safety volumes, urban planning constraints, etc...


 Screenshot 2020-11-13 183225.png (342.06 KiB) Viewed 591 times

As we know, IfcZone is just an assignment, therefore a group of IfcSpaces, but there is a lack of own geometry, just the addition of Archicad Zones geometry.

So, my wish is to be able to instantiate IfcSpatialZone when publishing using the MVD IFC4 Reference View from Graphisoft Archicad.

Kind regards,



By mnguyen


Hi All,

Thank you very much for creating this poll, and for those of you who voted to express their opinion.

I am happy to say this is an existing wish in our Wish List database (please refer to it as Wish #12368). Hopefully, our Product Management team will adopt this one in the future.

Thank you all once more, and I wish you a great day!

Best regards,


By daviddelven


Hello, Minh

I am currently also participating in the IfcSpatialZone Working Group of buildingSMART International, moderated by Gianluca Genova.

Probably someone from the WG already contacted Graphisoft in regards to this topic. Anyway, let us know which is the current state of this implementation from the GS side.

Kind regards,

EDIT by moderator.
This post was quarantined because of all of the external web links.
I have removed some of the buttons and options (i.e. reply) for the old forum as they didn't work and were confusing.
The links to the original post should still work if you want to go to the old Architalk forum.
Now we have the new wishlist, I would suggest making the wish again if something similar is not already there.
David Delgado Vendrell

i7-7820HK CPU 2,90GHz 32GB RAM
Triple Monitor 17"+25"+32" Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080
SSD+HDD, Win10 Home - 64 ENG
AC18-AC28 INT/SPA (64-bit, latest build)
Surfing with Archicad since 2013
By mnguyen


Hi All,

Thank you very much for creating this poll, and for those of you who voted to express their opinion.

I am happy to say this is an existing wish in our Wish List database (please refer to it as Wish #12368). Hopefully, our Product Management team will adopt this one in the future.

Thank you all once more, and I wish you a great day!

Best regards,
David Delgado Vendrell

i7-7820HK CPU 2,90GHz 32GB RAM
Triple Monitor 17"+25"+32" Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080
SSD+HDD, Win10 Home - 64 ENG
AC18-AC28 INT/SPA (64-bit, latest build)
Surfing with Archicad since 2013

As suggested by @noemi , I reopened a wish for the proper implementation of IfcSpatialZone within Archicad. 

Please make your vote there 👉🏻 https://community.graphisoft.com/t5/Wishlist/Publish-IFC-using-IfcSpatialZone-class-instance/idi-p/6...



David Delgado Vendrell

i7-7820HK CPU 2,90GHz 32GB RAM
Triple Monitor 17"+25"+32" Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080
SSD+HDD, Win10 Home - 64 ENG
AC18-AC28 INT/SPA (64-bit, latest build)
Surfing with Archicad since 2013

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