The attributes (divided into five groups: Layers, Pens & Colors, Line Types, Fills, and Font-Style Conversion) of the dxf/dwg file can be exported with specialized settings:
- Create Layers According to: - Archicad Layers: the layers in the Archicad file will be created in the DWG. - Pen Numbers: the created Custom Layer names will contain the pen numbers, and the elements will be placed in layers based on the pens that they were using. These layer names created can be customized in the Pen-Based Layer Names table. - Element Types: layers will be created according to the types of elements placed, for example, "Roof", "Slab", "Polyline", "Door", Window, etc. - Layer or Declared Pen Number: custom layers will be created according to any entries in the Pen-Based Layer Names table. All remaining elements will be created based on the existing Archicad layers. - Layer extended by Pen Number: custom layers will be created in two parts, formed of both the existing layer name and the pen, as defined in the Pen-Based Layer Names table.
- Save Elements on:- All layers: All elements will be exported regardless of whether they are on hidden or visible layers. - Visible Layers only: Elements on hidden layers are omitted.
- Creating a custom layer for these fields can assign Windows, Doors and their Markers, Skylights, Drafting Fills, Cover Fills, Cut Fills Skin Separator Lines of Walls, and Zone related items to separate layers, instead of remaining on the same layer as the construction element they belong to. If these fields are left empty then the elements will remain on their default layers. For example, windows will be exported to the walls' layers. Cut lines (contours of cut construction elements and composite structures) and lines set to the ‘Drafting Line’ category will remain on their original layers. If a column does not have a veneer, the contour belongs to the ‘Cut Line’ category. If there is a veneer, the contour of the Column belongs to the ‘Cut Line’ category, and the lines between the core and the veneer belong to the ‘Skin Separator Line’ category and will be saved accordingly. The contour of any fills set to the ‘Cut Fill’ category will belong to the ‘Cut Line’ category. Contours of other fill categories will belong to the ‘Drafting Line’ category. Please note that any custom layers created here will be regarded as input for the Layer Name Conversion table and it will be decided in this table how the custom layers will be transformed into final DWG layers. The Insert source layer button allows a custom layer name to include the name of the elements' existing layer in the Archicad model. It places <Source Layer> into the layer field, which will be replaced by the existing layer name during export. For example, A wall containing windows is placed on a layer named EXTERIOR WALLS. If WINDOW_ON_ is entered as the Windows custom layer, and then Insert Source Layer is clicked, the Windows field will show WINDOW_ON_<Source Layer>. The resulting layer name in the exported DWG will be WINDOW_ON_EXTERIOR_WALLS.
Pen-Based Layer Names
These options are only available if the Layer Methods option is set to pen numbers, layer or declared pen number, or layer extended by pen number!
- Custom tags to pen numbers: a prefix and a suffix can be added to the pen number.
- Custom layer name assignment: this list allows exceptions to be specified, which will not contain the prefix/suffix entered above. Specify the Archicad pen number, and the exact DWG layer to be created. If a template file has been specified in the Save Options then a layer can be selected from the drop-down menu.
Layer name conversion
This table allows elements on particular Archicad layers or custom layers to be placed on a specified AutoCAD layer.
If a template file has been specified in the Save Options then the target layers from that particular DWG can be selected from the drop-down menu.
NOTE: A problem may arise when you convert both “Exterior Walls” and “Interior Walls” to“WALLS” in AutoCAD. When converting wall layers back to Archicad, the dictionary will not distinguish between the two types of Archicad wall layers.
Pens and Colors
Archicad Pen Colors are configurable, while AutoCAD’s pen number association with colors cannot be modified. You can convert Archicad Pens to AutoCAD Colors by searching for the best color match or setting up a conversion dictionary.
Pen Methods match Archicad Pens to AutoCAD Colors

- Convert Archicad Pens to AutoCAD colors by setting:- The best matching standard AutoCAD color. Every Archicad pen will be mapped to the AutoCAD color with the most similar color (RGB) components. - RGB color if no exactly matching AutoCAD color exists. While Archicad pens can be set to any color, AutoCAD has set pen colors that cannot be changed. In AutoCAD 2004 and later versions, it is possible to define further pen colors by specifying RGB values for them. These pens will have a pen index number of 256 or higher. If a color with the exact RGB value is not found then it is exported by the RGB value, with a pen index number higher than 256. This option is not available when exporting to DWG 2000 or 2002 formats.
- Set all elements' colors and line weights to "BYLAYER": this option overrides the convert Archicad pens to AutoCAD colors option, and every saved element's color will be set to BYLAYER. When the AutoCAD user changes the color attached to a layer, everything on that layer will change its color accordingly.
- Do not export Archicad pen weights: elements will be exported with line weights of 0.00 mm.
Pen-color conversion
Color pairs defined in the pen-color conversion dictionary will take precedence over the automatic conversion methods set in the Pen Methods. When exporting a DWG, Archicad pens will be mapped to the AutoCAD color with the most similar color (RGB) components, except where the pen is defined in the conversion table. This table pairs Archicad pens with AutoCAD colors. During export, the ID number of the pens will be converted according to this table. The pairs defined in the dictionary will take precedence over automatic conversion methods. The pen weights are not used during DWG export.
Line Types
Line weight is assigned to Pen attributes in Archicad as opposed to AutoCAD where each element can have its own line thickness value. When saving files, you can either set up a line type conversion table or choose to convert all Archicad line types to a single type in AutoCAD named BYLAYER.
Note that symbol line types are stored differently in Archicad and in AutoCAD. Due to these differences, some of Archicad’s symbol line types will not look the same in AutoCAD.
- Set all elements' line types to "BYLAYER": when this option is checked, every saved entity's line type will be set to BYLAYER. When the AutoCAD user changes the line type attached to a layer, everything on that layer will change its line type accordingly. Note that it overrides the effect of the Linetype-Linetype conversion dictionary.
- LTScale value in the output file: The value of LTScale is related to the scale at which drawings are printed from AutoCAD, according to the scale of the drawing. Enter the default LTScale for the exported DWG.
Linetype-to-linetype conversion
Symbol line types are stored differently in Archicad and in AutoCAD. Due to these differences, some of Archicad’s symbol line types won‘t look the same in AutoCAD. There are two solutions to this problem: - Redesign the problematic line type until the disturbing differences disappear. - Set up a template file containing an acceptable substitution for it. For more information on creating a custom line type in an exported DWG, see the
Export Custom DWG Line Type article. The easiest way to set different Line weights as in Archicad is to assign line weights to layers or colors. To simplify the process in AutoCAD: - If objects require identical line weight by layers, check the Set All Elements' Colors To BYLAYER box in
Translator Setup > Attributes > Pens and Colors > Methods tab. When you open the file in AutoCAD, you can set the line weight using the Layer settings dialog. - If you want to assign line weights to colors, save the DWG using Archicad colors. When you open the DWG in AutoCAD you can select the elements by color, and set the object line weight or you can create a Plot style table, which is a table that contains parameters used by printing/plotting. Here you can assign pen weights to the corresponding colors.
Archicad fill patterns can be saved as solid fills. You can also export fill backgrounds as additional polygons (as this feature is not supported by AutoCAD).
Export all fill as "SOLID": all fills will be exported as solid fills.
In case the dwg contains two overlapping fills, a solid (from the background) and a patterned (from the foreground). The empty fills are exported as solid fills, except the transparent ones, in this case, they will be boundary polylines. -
Export symbol fills as "SOLID": all symbol fills will be exported as solid fills.
In case the DWG contains only solid fills from the foreground (the pattern is converted to solid), and the background info is lost. The empty fills are exported as solid fills, except the transparent ones, in this case, they will be boundary polylines. -
Export all fill "as is": Archicad fills will be recreated in AutoCAD to maintain the same appearance.
- Export fill backgrounds as additional solid hatches: Archicad fill patterns have a separate background fill, whereas AutoCAD fills are transparent between the pattern lines. This option allows the same appearance in the DWG by creating an extra fill for the background. Transparent backgrounds will not be exported. Note that the option to export fills as “SOLID” disables this option.
- Explode gradient fills: gradient fills will be exploded into separate components. Gradient fills with transparent backgrounds will also be exploded.
- Use the fill conversion table: the conversion table on the next page of the translator will be used.
Fill-Hatch Conversion Table
From Archicad 12 the DWG translator can convert Archicad fills to specified AutoCAD hatch types. Create a new table row by pressing the "New" button.
This requires that a template file is specified in the Save Options and that the template file includes at least one placed instance of the desired hatch. The Archicad Fill Type can be selected from the drop-down menu, which will be converted into the AutoCAD Hatch pattern, which can be selected in the drop-down menu displaying hatches used in the template.
Read more about Line and Fill Normalization
Font-Style Conversion
When an Archicad Project is saved as DXF/DWG, Texts in the resulting file may differ from the way they looked in Archicad. For example, the spacing of Texts may be different, so Texts block are not the same length or size. Furthermore, font names are stored differently in DXF/DWG files and in Archicad. Even when one-by-one font matching is possible, a dictionary is necessary. (On Windows, Archicad supports all available fonts including those installed by AutoCAD).

When exporting a DWG, if a text's font is listed in the dictionary, it will be converted according to the conversion table, from the Archicad style to the AutoCAD style. The Archicad font can be selected in the drop-down menu. The AutoCAD style can be selected from the drop-down list if a template file is specified in the Save Options. With the oblique angle option, you can set the degree value of the font. If the slant parameter is 15 (15 degrees) or greater, the exported text will be in italics. Usually, an italic style has an oblique angle of 75 degrees. Unless a template file is selected, the style will use the AutoCAD counterpart of the Archicad font. (A font conversion file specifies the best match, regardless of the platform Archicad is running on).