I would like to say that I think the problem relies in the current -and old- implementation of the linking of the label tool to elements, which has to be rewritten to accommodate for new standards.
Labels shouldn't be a property. They should be independent and pick up values from the element they point to. Building elements inside hotlinked modules can't be labeled because labels are a property, and hotlinked elements can't be modified, so please don't make a workaround checkbox for hotlinked modules so labels can be activated... it's not the solution.
I bring this up because of the new IFC tags, properties and information capabilities. Having hundreds of parameters available to list for each element, it still amazes me that you can only have one label per element per viewtype, so you can label walls in floor plan... but only once (unless I'm missing something new), and then once in an elevation, and then once in a section... this means that you cannot have two or more labels in separate layers to show a floor plan with walls' composites and then a new view of the same floorplan with different layer combo to show labels with walls' fire rating for example. You would need to show every bit of information you want to display in the same label. I don't think this works anymore.
Because of the yearly release cycle and how the flagship project of every version is used to test new features (and that usually by the time the new AC version comes out that project has been built), I would like to assume that the next AC(19) version is already being tested and even the next one's (AC20) roadmap has been -feature wise- laid out. I just hope that the label tool and the level dimension tool could be fully revised and keep improving the already amazing workflow inside AC.
Best regards.