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How to convert Archicad files into PDFs in Plotmaker?

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I have Archicad 9 but am on a Mac. Has Graphisoft come up with a solution for properly converting files to pdf in Plotmaker? I tried to save a file as a 24x36 page but it comes up blank. If I choose 8 1/2"x11" size, it prints the file but in 15 pages. Please help...thanks!
Aussie John
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PDFs are easily created from plotmaker. Check you page setup. I fthe master layout and the page set up dont match you will get spill onto additional sheets.
Cheers John
John Hyland : ARINA :
User ver 4 to 12 - Jumped to v22 - so many options and settings!!!
OSX 10.15.6 [Catalina] : Archicad 22 : 15" MacBook Pro 2019