2024-03-04 11:36 PM
Is it possible to hyperlink the drawing or layout ID list, so that it can take you directly to that page after PDFing? Similar to when you click an elevation marker it takes you to the elevation.
This would be great for door / window tags or schedule and it could take you to the door you've selected either on the floor plan or in the schedule on the PDF
2024-03-06 07:40 AM
You may want to consider utilizing BIMx as it generates hyperlinks automatically and provides an integrated booster. Team and clients enjoy the integrated views. Also, you can upload a custom schedule with all the data so selecting it in the model will provide whatever information you include in that schedule.
2024-03-06 03:02 PM
It would be great. Being able to print a complete pdf set with links inside the document for all reference calls.
Bimx is nice, but sometimes you just need a pdf file.