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Need Help printing an Axonometric for Archicad 14

Not applicable
I created an Axonometric plumbing layout that was based on an Archicad created floorplan, now I am unable to print to a smooth drawing from a HP Design Jet T770. No matter what format I try to save the file in (PDF, JPG, or normal print file) all the drawings come out badly pixelated. I have tried to print using plotmaker and it does the same thing.

Please help, I am about to graduate and I need this done for one of my final grades!
Thomas Holm
Change the 3D Window settings from OpenGL to Internal Engine.
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1
Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus
You don't say what version of AC you have.

To get a clean drawing, you should be creating a 3D Document from your Axo view. Not only will you get vector linework, cut fills, etc., but you can annotate the drawing in the 3DD. (Right click in the 3D window to Create 3D Document.)

If you have an old version of AC prior to 3DD, then as Thomas suggests, you probably want a hidden line view with the Internal Engine, but you must render enough pixels to not get the jaggies/pixelation that you see. See the Rendering settings.

By default, the render will be at 72 ppi, which will look terrible - a resolution designed only for on-screen viewing. You need to set the total pixels to a a value based on at least 200 dpi if not 300 dpi. So, for a 10" x 10" image, you need 2,000 x 2,000 pixels (fax quality) to 3,000 x 3,000 pixels.

The 3D Document is a superior solution as it is vector based, not raster.

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Not applicable
I have the education version of archicad 14, and I have tried to print to a plotter. (A HP Designjet T770) The paper size is 36"X44". I have tried to do what you suggested, but the picture still comes out pixelated. Print preview shows it just as badly pixelated.
Thomas Holm
Karl, printing directly (or printing to PDF) from the 3D Window set to Internal Engine has always given a vector-based, non pixel image, regardless of Archicad version, now and as far back as I can recall.

But maybe I'm wrong in assuming that's what Thelma is trying to do.

To let us help you adequately, thelmabaze, I think you have to describe exactly (every step and click) how you created the image, how you rendered it, how you save it, and how you print it, alone or combined/mounted with other images, on a 3D doument, a drawing, a layout or whatever.

If you do, we'll probably be able to give better help.
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1
Not applicable
We (my partner and I) started with a floor plan that was created in AC12 and then created a plumbing drain waste vent plan view. From this we created a separate axonometric drawing. We then removed the drain waste vent plan objects which left us with essentially left us with the axonometric drawing. We used AC 14 plumbing elements to create drain pipes, vent pipes, and traps. Now all we want to do is print that drawing which contains a short portion of the floor plan walls. The pipes were filled in with two specific colors (blue for drain and waste, and yellow for vent pipes-- standard architectural coloring.)

If you think that it would help we could send the file to you or someone else to look at.
Thomas Holm
OK, how did you create the Plumbing plan view from the floor plan? Just layer management? Or what?
And then how did you make an axonometry from it? Did you render it, what way what settings, or just save a 3d document?
You see I need to know what procedures you used to create and save the views and images. How you draw isn't the issue. And if you send the file I guess I'd just find the problem, not the cause.
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1
Not applicable
The floor plan was originally imported into AC 12 from a DWG file provided by an outside architectural firm. The AC file was then modified within AC to reflect the floor plan changes requested by the local organization which will eventually be constructing the building. The floor plan was turned into a 3 dimentional building plan and used in a demonstartion walk through. This floor plan of this AC based building plan was then used as a baseline drawing for generation of the electical lighting and power layouts and the DWV and water supply layouts. The electrical and plumbing plan view layoyuts were done in layers over the base floor plan so they could be printed separately on 1/4" = 1' standard architectural prints for submittal to goverment agencies. The isometric (axiometric) drawing of the DWV was created by changeing the DWV plan view piping to 3-D piping as evidenced in the AC plumbing fixture file. I used 6", 4" and 2" drain pipes and 4" and 2" vent pipe. Floor and wall traps were created Piecemeal using pipes with bends, traps, and truncated cones to0 create the top section of the floor drain. All 1/4" plan view drawings have come out right when spooling the drawings to the HP T770 printer although we did have to set the print scale to 206% to get rue 1/4" scaled drawing.
If you send the drawing to an Archicad layout and print that, won't that avoid the pixelation issue?
Cornelis (Kees) Wegman

cornelis wegman architects
AC 5 - 26 Dell XPS 8940 Win 10 16GB 1TB SSD 2TB HD RTX 3070 GPU
Laptop: AC 24 - 26 Win 10 16GB 1TB SSD RTX 3070 GPU