sorry only noticed this thread now - what i really do not understand regarding the PDF export from ArchiCAD is the following:
1. the PDFs bounding box should correspond exactly to the drawing border in ArchiCAD regardless of reactangular or polygonal;
2. any non-visible, i.e. covered elements should not get exported… our suspicion is that this is some sort of remnant of the PMK format, which somehow seems still to get created when you place a view onto a layout (note this is only speculation though… ;0)
3. why can one no longer publish to EPS - unsure but from memory this was possible at some stage… basically that allowed for the EPS, to be published into an Adobe Distiller watch folder, which then 'ripped' the EPS to a a lot smaller PDFs… btw on OSX this can still be done via the Print dialogue > PDF pulldown > Save as PostScript;
PDFs have been the standard digtial format for some years now, thus it arguably is fundamental for ArchiCAD to have the best PDF export that can possibly be achieved, i.e. optimised, small, vector based drawings (i.e. without appropriated curves and exploded fills).