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About building parametric objects with GDL.

What is a macro?


Is a macro only a placeable off?
I want to know why you do macros.

AC27 on window 11
Jochen Suehlo

You use macros if you have the same routines, that you would like to use in more than 1 object.
See: https://gdl.graphisoft.com/reference-guide/macro-objects

Jochen Suehlo . AC12-27 . MAC OSX 14.4 . WIN11
GDL object creation: b-prisma.de

This is a question I asked because I wanted to hear your explanation.
Since I am a non-English speaking person, it is difficult to understand the text and I do not understand the contents of the manual alone.
I was asking for a bit more detail.
I would be more than grateful if you could explain with an example.



So how do you create macros?
All I found was to turn off placeable, is there more?

AC27 on window 11
Jochen Suehlo

A typical example where I use a macro, is when I want to offer different languages in the object.
The Master-Script of the object calls the Macro:

CALL "Flexi_Zone_Dictionary" PARAMETERS ALL int_language = int_language  RETURNED_PARAMETERS dict_words

The Macro has the following in the Master:

DICT local

IF int_language = 1 THEN
	local.de.raumnummer 	= "Raumnummer"
	local.de.raumname 	= "Raumname"

IF int_language = 2 THEN
	local.en.raumnummer 	= "Zone number"
	local.en.raumname 	= "Zone name"

DICT dict_words

IF int_language = 1 THEN dict_words = local.de
IF int_language = 2 THEN dict_words = local.en

PARAMETERS dict_words = dict_words

END dict_words

DICT local declares a Dictionary for the translated words.

local.de.raumnummer = "Raumnummer" is one dictionary entry for the language German (de) for the word Roomnumber (raumnummer)

DICT dict_words declares a 2nd Dictionary which is then stored in the parameter dict_words.

END dict_words returnes the values of dict_words to the calling object.

In the main object you can then replace a word in your own language by a dictionary term.
Normally you would write

TEXT2, 0, 0, "Raumname"

Now you can write

TEXT2 0, 0, dict_words.raumname

When you then change the parameter int_language from "de" to "en", the 2D-content will change its language as well. Create for this a VALUES field to let the user choose the language:

VALUES{2} "int_language", 1, "de", 2, "en"


Other examples are opening lines for windows, door closers, profiles for curtain wall windows etc.

Jochen Suehlo . AC12-27 . MAC OSX 14.4 . WIN11
GDL object creation: b-prisma.de

Thank you for your answer.


But what I found was that the placeable was not checked in the macro. So, is there a macro that sets other options?

Or can I just call all gsm files and use them?

AC27 on window 11
Jochen Suehlo

You can call all gsm-files to use them as macro. If "placeable" is unchecked, it will not be found as object in the object settings dialog. You can use a macro both as called object and in the case it is placeable as "standalone" object.

Jochen Suehlo . AC12-27 . MAC OSX 14.4 . WIN11
GDL object creation: b-prisma.de