Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
05:31 PM
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10:44 AM
Noemi Balogh
Dear Community,
We're excited to have published our roadmap!
We'd love to hear your thoughts and questions. Please feel free to use this thread for discussion.
Graphisoft Insights announcement: https://community.graphisoft.com/t5/Graphisoft-Insights/Graphisoft-public-roadmap/ba-p/375281
Public roadmap on the Graphisoft website.
Thank you.
Gordana Radonić
Community Manager
2023-04-07 08:24 PM
A version named ArchiCAD Architecture for those who use the software for architectural design, ArchiCAD Structure for structural engineers, ArchiCAD MEP for MEP engineers would help simplify the situation with the possibility of connecting their interfaces if needed.
2023-04-07 09:28 AM - edited 2023-04-07 09:43 AM
Lol 😂 !
The Greeks have an old saying: “If you chase too many hares at once, you will not catch any but if you chase one at a time you will catch one”. But it doesn’t say anything about them being on steroids because they weren’t invented back then.
2023-04-07 09:48 AM
Can we have next to ideas a wishes tab, where you can put every wish in your database.
And that community can vote on it.
That way we can say that every x month graphisoft adds the most voted wish in to the next archicad version?
Guys what you do you think about that,?
2023-04-07 09:53 AM - edited 2023-04-08 04:35 AM
Graphisoft could send every registered Archicad user the top fifty on the priority “to do list” and we can fill out a survey on our top ten priorities in order and send it back to them maybe ?
Edited to top 50 and every registered Archicad user to do the survey.
2023-04-07 10:10 AM - edited 2023-04-07 04:45 PM
Yes that could be,
But they already have a database of the wishes, every wish was posted had been put in a database and given a wish-number.
And those where already screened and looked by graphisoft.
So why dont we just say lets vote on those wishes.
I do understand on what is the aim for ideas then. I feel like the ideas tab is more a tab of ideas from nemetchek and thought of adding more complexity (mep and structural calculations) and not something from the user base right now.
I still think it's better
To use Archi cad for architecture/building technology
Dds cad rename to MEP cad use for MEP
And maybe let graphisoft buy structural software and rename to struct cad and use that structural models.
And then remake them In a way that they work perfectly together.
That is the way to get autodesk kind of feeling.
Instead Graphisoft/nemenchek wants to follow autodesk revit, make archicad extremely heavy and complex so that no one can work on it.
Would love to work graphisoft haha you can hire me hahaha.
Jokes aside would love to help out and make graphisoft great again even with the future in mind. I think I can of like the idea of MEP cad struct cad and archicad but not in one software
2023-04-07 11:00 AM
I miss the bug-fixing-tab. And the "we are hiring because we need developers, desperately"-tab.
2023-04-08 03:32 PM
There is also a section in the roadmap with a wishlist where people can vote?
It woul be nice suggest ARCHITECTURAL implementation to share with the users that can vote.
Other much more younger software as d5 render has something like that.
2023-04-09 02:17 AM
ddscad should become the revit version owned by graphisoft, a software to design the most specific construction details of a work, including MEP, not only be used for that, there are other disciplines that require complex systems that do not work in architecture software , such as, for example, structural reinforcements, wooden structures, (already included in ddscad), design of steel parts, masonry, roof details, and complex structural systems, (such as deconstructive facades).
Archicad must focus on architects, that is, on project management from its conception, parametric design, visual design, that is, more focus on art, design, communication, and direction.
archicad was never the competitor to revit, graphisoft must create a real competition to autodesk and sell it all over the world.
2023-04-09 05:10 PM
Dear Gordana hello,
I'm a structural Engineer and I use Archicad for over 16 years.
it is great that you shared with us the Roadmap! thanks.
My opinion is that, once Graphisoft has set the bases for real collaboration, knows exactly what to do and which tools are needed to this purpose.
The point isn't what is going to be implemented but when those Roadmap tools will be available in Archicad for full collaboration. I hope very soon.
Reinforcement tool is very welcome (as we suffer enough years for this with other 3rd party addons) but I noticed that Steel Connections are missing from the Roadmap plan.
AC26 Int.
2023-04-10 04:24 PM
@Gordana Radonic Any chance of getting the Roadmap date stamped or change logged? It would save us from playing "Spot the difference" when nothing has changed.
2023-04-11 01:51 AM
Should we make a betting pool with an over/under date on when any changes or improvements will be made? Put me down for $100 on over 30 days! 😂
2023-04-13 02:13 AM
As has been said before how about fixing/enhancing the tools we already have, most of what's been developed over the last few years is promising BUT terribly implemented (folders, attributes, stair, railing, curtain wall to name a few). fix these first before looking at BimX , MEP & Structural, those areas should be very low priority
So my wish is for Graphisoft to revisit some of the previous developments and update them to work as they should. Also, don't reinvent the world, pick up tools like Land4 and include it with Archicad, it's what the mesh tool should look like. CI Tools Door & Window Builder / Coverings, these are good examples of what Archicad should look like out of the box
And finally focus on the small things that will make users workflow better, a few examples below
2023-04-13 04:24 PM - edited 2023-04-13 04:39 PM
Archicad is nearly 40 years old. In the first 10 years, Archicad was way ahead of the pack. I remember reading in Cadence magazine the annual 3D Cad shootout. That was way back in the 90's just before Archicad was going to Windows. Apple was not doing so well at that time. Back then AC5 through AC9 where way beyond what most Autocad users could imagine being possible. And Graphisoft was just as bad at marketing back then as they are now. BUT Graphisoft was innovative! They were years ahead of anything referred to as competition. Revit was not yet on the scene. Now many other developers have copied the concepts in Archicad (ChiefArchitect, Revit, etc.) and BIM was not even a term yet, coined by Autodesk. Graphisoft was innovative and could define the BIM app to be what ever was best for its users, since there was no real competition putting on any pressure on the side of development. All that they needed to do was to provide a way to read & share DWG's.
But for following 10 years, the competition kept improving. AutoDesk offered to buy Archicad. Graphisoft refused (thank goodness). And they bought a virtually unknown, emerging app named Revit and bundled it for free with Autocad during that period of time. Revit gained a strong foot hold. And then it was no longer free as the AEC market was now committed to the natural step from Autocad to Revit. Autodesk made sure that that step would be easy.
Then for the last 20 years, Graphisoft discovered that Revit had taken the lead and they were now playing follow-the-leader in CAD software development. All of the sincere, innovative, development that had established Archicad as the clear leader in the AEC-BIM/CAD world was eventually placed on the back burner (all the stuff in the "Idea Pool"). Archicad is still a better app, because that is how much further ahead it was. But it won't be for much longer, because it would appear that Graphisoft has lost its vision, core value and drive for excellence. If GS remains on the nominal path that it is on now, it will eventually go the way of DataCad, which was another CAD app that was way ahead of its time.
If Graphisoft wants to be great again, it needs to rethink their vision and why Archicad was great. For starters:
If Archicad is to take the lead again, it needs to be a leader in innovation. It can never be a leader by marching to someone else's dumb beat. Take care of the customers and users you have and give them all of the best ideas on the back burner. Do it right GS or someone else will.
2023-04-13 05:02 PM
Everything you write is correct. All this has been said to Graphisoft in the past years by different users in different circumstances. Without success. Instead, a CEO was installed who had previously only done marketing for decades. And that's exactly how the brand is currently developing: much ado about nothing.
But why does nothing change? Because the sales figures are right. Archicad is growing in the important markets (Asia, North America). Therefore, in the boardrooms they believe that everything is done right - regardless of what the users say (who have no idea anyway). But even Apple can no longer afford this attitude.
We all know: Archicad is developing too slowly, the error list is constantly growing and with the new strategy they are deliberately bypassing their core customers. They want to be like Autodesk, but forget that Autodesk covers a much larger market. And is also more innovative in the meantime. What is the most innovative feature in Archicad? Probably the BIMcloud. I can't think of anything in the core product that has caused a significant productivity boost in the last five years. Rather the opposite is the case (keyword: disappearing dimension chains, text fields that move by themselves, more than two years until the M1 version - and here only just ahead of Autocad).
All we can do is "bash" the product managers and keep our fingers crossed that, by magic, everything will suddenly happen very quickly. But even if Graphisoft implements everything on the road map in the next five years (really EVERYTHING), they are still five years behind the competition. Autodesk is now integrating Spacemaker AI into Revit, and who knows where they'll be in five years. BIM is no longer an issue - AI and ML are the defining trends.
We say (in Germany) that the fish stinks from the head, which means that the problem is always to be found at the top. Why does no one want to buy a US car? Because they are poorly made and their technology is outdated (except for Tesla in terms of technology). Why does the whole world want German cars? Because it is solid technology and they are excellently manufactured. Archicad has evolved from a Mercedes to a Chevrolet. And at a price of a Porsche.
2023-04-13 06:23 PM
It's about a management issue on Graphisoft's part.
2023-04-14 04:34 AM
True and also who pulls the strings at the top as to what is developed further first.
2023-04-14 09:36 AM
Hi there,
It is interesting to see what is planned currently. Yeah!
I'm glad to see that 'Design Options' is the number one topic. Because that's not working in Archicad now, I've to struggle almost every day with it.
Hope it will really work. 🤔
Every thing else in the 'Coming soon' area for me, I feel more 'might be nice to have', but I'd liked to see some other things there, necessary to a better workflow in architectural planning... like...
Improvement with GO, joining of elements, model options for sections and elevations in MVO and so on (I don't have a personal list yet...)
2023-04-14 07:16 PM
Let's face it: Archicad is a Dinosaur and Dinosaures are dead!
ChatGPT and ...
Dall-E and Revit
And more ...
SWAPP and Revit
Spacemaker AI and Revit
No Archicad in sight.
2023-04-14 09:09 PM
Whether we like it or not, Revit is becoming the leader in terms of Building Information Modeling (BIM).
It is the only BIM software which is also taught at CEGEP and universities in the province I currently live in. Therefore, the firms there don't have any other choice, but to use it.
2023-04-15 05:34 AM
THIS is how and where the current development is going. Current tools and methods (2D-line drawing!) like AutoAD and SketchUp will very soon become obsolete (and the according skills, therefore jobs, too). And yes, Archicad also feels like a dinosaur in this regard and is lacking way behind. Please check the provided links and think about the consequences.
These are just some examples of how fast and with a huge impact on our profession the developments are evolving.
Please stay informed about what is going on.
2023-04-15 11:03 AM
I wouldn't be so quick to write off Sketchup. I know of users who have dumped Revit and gone back to a fusion of Auto$AD and Sketchup due to their basic simplicity. As CAD packages become evermore complex and the price of entry rises you will see startups looking at the low cost shallow learning curve options. Those cost saving will be passed on to the client by small agile business. Big business will have over invested and lack the specialist operators to respond to anything other than huge investment projects... "We don't touch anything less than a billion".
I have been saying for years that AC needs simplified to make it more accessible to new users; you just have to look at the forum posts to know how difficult it can be for them to grasp even the basics. A complex UI with growing irrelevance is not the way to build a fan base.