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2024 Technology Preview Program

2024 Technology Preview Program:
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Graphisoft Technology Preview Program 2024

Keynotes - favorites

Karel Landa

When you place a label with keynote content and want to change its content to another one (EG from Key 1 to Key 2), is there any different way than to replace it with new one?


If you select label and try to change it with one from favourites, it will place the "linked" "Keynote to favourite instead of replacing it with other parts.


Another case is when I have a level with only the Key, copy this label and want to replace the key with Description of the keynote.


Is there any way how to solve it quickly?


James B

Hi @Karel Landa 

We are planning a method to update the Keynote content in a Label with an another Keynote via the palette in an update, I don’t think this will be ready by the initial AC28 release though. But we’re working on it.

Thanks for your feedback.


James Badcock
Graphisoft Senior Product Manager

I was just looking at this. It's a bit clunky replacing the keynote in many scenerios. It doesn't follow the same method as the design options for example.


I'd envisage the same logic would be: select the label with the keynote you want to change then double-click the desired keynote on the palette (just like you relink elements to design options). This Should then change the linked keynotes and nothing else. @James B is this the method being looked into?

AC user since 2006. Using AC26 currently.

Yes! That would be probably the best way.

We support users to place any number of keynotes into 1 label, and any keynote autotext they wish.

I'm not sure what the team has exactly planned, but I think it will replace all keynote autotext in the label with the autotext of the selected (double clicked) keynote from the palette. I think this matches what you mention as well.

James Badcock
Graphisoft Senior Product Manager

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