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System shutdown during large/complex photorenders EVERY TIME

Not applicable
Having produced a scheme as an AC model, I am experiencing problems producing photorender at print quality (3000x2000) resolution.
Every time I start a large photorender, it begins in the usual way,albeit slowly because i have all the 'extras' (transparency, shadows, best quality) turned on. Thats fine, because I'm happy to leave the machine alone to do its job.

However, halfway through the process the computer shuts down with no warning. When I restart there is no error message of any kind, but I have lost the photorender and any unsaved changes of course.

Anyone got any ideas why this might be happening (i've searched the forums for something similar). I've carried out smaller- and partial renderings of the same file to see if it's a corrupt library part, but this is not the case.

My specs:
Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz
Win XP Home
ATI Radion Mobility M6
Only ArchiCAD running.
Please don't be offended if these suggestions seem rudimentary:

Try a smaller rendering to see if you are striking the RAM ceiling.

What are you using for a scratch disk? I suspect that there isn't enough scratch space for the temporary file. Did you check the estimate in the Memory dialog?

Try a rendering at 1999 x 2999 - there was a time when certain even - sized images caused a crash.

You should have an auto save file available because ArchiCAD's default is to do an autosave before rendering. Check the setting.
Dwight Atkinson
Karl Ottenstein
Kevin wrote:
However, halfway through the process the computer shuts down with no warning. When I restart there is no error message of any kind, but I have lost the photorender and any unsaved changes of course.
A complete punt to add to Dwight's thoughts - forgive me if it is a stupid one at that... but during Photorendering, the CPU usually pegs out at 100% and thus taxes the cooling system to the limit. My fans usually start spinning up and stay on high speed through most of the process. Is it possible that your computer has a cooling problem?

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Kevin wrote:
Anyone got any ideas why this might be happening (i've searched the forums for something similar). I've carried out smaller- and partial renderings of the same file to see if it's a corrupt library part, but this is not the case.
Memory outage. 512MB is not enough for high quality renders - I had the same trouble and it was solved by upping the RAM to 1gig. When you start rendering, start also Task Manager and look in the Performance tab. You will get scared.

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Not applicable
Many thanks for all the prompt responses to my query (at the weeekend,too!)

I don't want to tempt fate, but renders of the same quality and complexity (I think) rendered at 2999x1999 have been successful (!), but I will keep the forum updated over the next week or so to be sure.

I note the comments on memory and will be upgrading shortly. My laptop only has two memory slots, so I'll have to remove 256MB to install 512, which is a bit of a rub, but I suppose that's the price of portability! Does anyone want to exchange 2x256 for one 512? (Didn't think so!)

I've also been thinking it's something to do with CPU temperature, but diagnostics say everythings fine. The laptop does get pretty warm though, so just in case, I will raise it slighty off the desk during renders.

If I can add a further query to a running thread, does anyone know how to interupt a photorender (or flythrough) in WinXP? I used to use command-period on the Mac, but there doesn't seem to be a windows equivalent.

Many thanks once again,


(Ben Frost - 'ArchiBen': sorry not to have got back to you, but I got married in December so have been away - good to hear from you and will email shortly!)
Kevin wrote:
If I can add a further query to a running thread, does anyone know how to interupt a photorender (or flythrough) in WinXP? I used to use command-period on the Mac, but there doesn't seem to be a windows equivalent.
CTRL period, also CTRL Backspace. Or just backspace - but the results have been mixed in 8.x

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen