I have a wall, to which I applied a building material (Surface-White).
What I actually want is to override this material in the model and apply, but only to the edges, a brick surface.
But when I select Brick for the edges, all surfaces of the wall become Brick.
What am I missing?
Thank you.
Thank you for your answer.
You are right, but it looks quite the same when I check the middle button.
Just a little mention on the picture:
The window is placed in a larger wall, into which I also placed a niche.
The niche's surface is brick, so that is why there is some brick on the wall.
I finally figured it out. The wall was not the issue. The window settings were wrong. In Wall Opening > Wall Opening Surface, I had ticked Same as Wall Side instead of Same as Wall Edge and since the surfaces were different...
Thank you anyhow for your help.