How can I change JUST the cut plane for the 2nd story? I have somewhat of a split level house (one portion is completely 2 stories while the other is just a 1.5 story ceiling)...this seems to be causing lots of problems because anything that is 10' tall shows up on both 1st and 2nd floor plans. I have tried setting those objects to "Own Story Only" but that doesnt change anything
This shouldn't be happening, have you checked you have the correct level heights in the story setting?
Have you checked if you have two walls where you see one, and maybe the second is set to automatic?
Try deleting the wall you see on the second floor, what happens then?
It must be something like that happening...
at least, I cannot think of anything else..
You are aware that the cut plane height is stored with the saved view. This is critical in that it allows you to have a different cut plane for each different saved view. Cut planes and the associated settings in the walls etc. are complex and I recommend using "symbolic" settings for everything that does not need the added control that cut planes offer. A screen shot of what you want would help with giving you the solution.