that's rather odd? that the "match props" function ignores the state of the renovation of "whatever" is being matched? isn't that the whole idea of "match properties"?......ALL properties? I mean, when you do it for a window, a door, a wall, etc.....the 'match prop' function grabs EVERYTHING about that component........even when you painfully don't want it to. For example, sometimes with "windows" and "doors" I just want the matchprop to grab the parameters of the jamb,wall closure, mullion size....but NOT everything else. I want it to be able to select and choose "WHAT" properties I want match....not ALL or NOTHING...which is why I find the renovation state odd that it not grab it.
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS