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Offsetting Walls

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Hi Im new to the forum but very interested!

Can anyone tell me how can you offset a wall from any given point. For example if I draw a rectangle room of 10 x 5 metres how can I start a new wall say 3 metres on the 10 metre length.

Is there an offset tool, or a jump tool from a snap point in the drawing?

Please help!
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Using value- works for me. Don't know what the setting might be that prevents it, unless its a metric vs imperial thing?
s2art wrote:

Using value- works for me. Don't know what the setting might be that prevents it, unless its a metric vs imperial thing?
Hmmm, let me check that out. I tried it just before posting to make sure I wasn't speaking erroneously and it did NOT work. But, I will try the metric.

Nope. Didn't work. What it does for me is absolute from 0,0 values, not relative to the point.

Rex Maximilian, Honolulu, USA - www.rexmaximilian.com
ArchiCAD 27 (user since 3.4, 1991)
16" MacBook Pro; M1 Max (2021), 32GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 32-Core GPU
Apple Vision Pro w/ BIMx
Creator of the Maximilian ArchiCAD Template System
Rex wrote:
Djordje wrote:
steveacad wrote:
Is there an offset tool, or a jump tool from a snap point in the drawing?
If you want to start anything at a distance from an existing point, place the cursor there, type xVALUE+, press enter and the cursor will jump the VALUE to the right. You can also use yVALUE+, or VALUE-. Can be also used for Z coordinate in 3D, and also for R.
Djordje, you can't use VALUE-. It has to be -VALUE+. Unless I'm seriously missing some setting to allow this.
I am not using Imperial units. So in the Metric world, VALUE + works as well as VALUE -. If you have X-Y in Imperial, it means XfeetYinches, therefore ...

Would it not be high time that the US stopped preserving the British monarchy legacy? 😉 To paraphrase DNC, even they accepted the metric system, even if it is French! 😉

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Djordje wrote:
Would it not be high time that the US stopped preserving the British monarchy legacy? 😉 To paraphrase DNC, even they accepted the metric system, even if it is French! 😉
Dude, you are preaching to the choir! One day in 7th grade math class, back in the '70s, our teacher changed the lesson plans and gave us a long speech about how the US was converting to metric, and that by the time we graduated, "miles, inches, pounds, etc." would be a memory... Nope.

I think Reagan killed it when he took office. At least that was the reason I heard.

I'm guessing almost every US designer, architect and engineer would welcome such a change. Using a base 12 measuring system in a base 10 world really sucks.
Rex Maximilian, Honolulu, USA - www.rexmaximilian.com
ArchiCAD 27 (user since 3.4, 1991)
16" MacBook Pro; M1 Max (2021), 32GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 32-Core GPU
Apple Vision Pro w/ BIMx
Creator of the Maximilian ArchiCAD Template System
uhh. really?
Rex wrote:
If you wanted it to be 3m to the left of the point, then -3+ would be the data to type ...
x 3 -
... 3m down is y, then -3+.
y 3 -


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Assuming you have Relative coordinates checked in either the Tracker or the Coordinates Box:

-3 = 3 back from where the edit origin is (which will be where you selected your wall unless you manually changed it mid-operation with Alt+Shift);
-3+ = 3 back from where the cursor is;
3- = 3 back from where the cursor is (as above);

But in imperial, since the - is used to separate feet and fractional inches you'll have to type -- for the last method if that's what your working units are set to.

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Link wrote:
But in imperial, since the - is used to separate feet and fractional inches you'll have to type -- for the last method if that's what your working units are set to.

That's the one I was thinking of, but having never used Imperial units...

... although I'm still 5'7"