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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Pictures of ArchiCAD 10 from Russia?

Not applicable
I find this one:

Betatest in Russia?
Not applicable
Rakela wrote:
we have seen it all !! movies, screen shots, list of features...what else do u want guys ????
I have never seen. Show officially movies, screen shots, list of features!!!
gpowless wrote:
Actually from what I understand about American and Canadian civil law, a Russian who does not read english cannot be held accountable for such an agreement. There must be a reasonable expectation that both parties have come to one mind about the terms of the agreement and one does not exercise an unfair advantage over the other in aplying those terms. Thus minors and drunk people cannot be bound to contracts because there is a resaonble expectation that they don't realize what they are signing. I do believe that the courts would find a language barrier a reasonable expectation that the terms are not understood. And since it is to Graphisoft's advantage it would be incumbent upon them to ensure that the lease was available in Russian, and if this is not possible someone with a knowledge of Russian was present to interpret the terms as they are written in english.
I think if a person were coerced into an agreement, this would be true. But that's not the case here.

We're not talking about someone of reduced capabiliies. We're talking about someone who obviously speaks enough english to post here, but claims not to have seen or understood the words "Do you agree to this license agreement?"
Tom Waltz
What would Mr. Rogers say?

"Can you say 'weasle?"
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable
This is an interesting thread.
I've just spent a few hours (only a few, mind you) with the beta version of Archicad 10, here are my comments:
1. It looks as if plotmaker is integrated, which seems huge.
2. great new cursor tool for inputing distance and angle without hitting R, etc..
3. Walls can be tilted, and there are many new options for the display of walls, including, it appears, the long-wished for "show across floors."
4. Nice clean new interface.
5. It appears as if schedules will now be taken seriously and made easier to work with.
6. Simplified pens and layers, arranged by design stage (DD, SD, CD).
7. A ruler, there's a really cool ruler.
8. Better 3D navigation.

CONS: the entire program looks as if this is a minor upgrade.
1. you still can't rake walls, i.e. there's no easy way to change the height of one end of a wall while keeping the other end fixed. Walls are still rectangles in profile, unless, as always, you use Solid Element Operations (SEO) or trim with a roof.
b. SEO are still the primary way to work in 3D. And the operator still has to be hidden on another layer.
c. No new 3D modelling tools- including the mesh tool, which appears to still have a flat bottom only. I guess you'll have to stick with the Cinema 4D plug-in.
d. Curved roofs are the same as always - lots of little straight roofs - which makes it looks as if there are no NURBS
e. Few new library objects.
f. I DIDN'T SEE any other new tools except an improved profiler: remember, I spent only a few hours with it. I list this as a con because it APPEARS as if GS has simply tried to make existing tools better, but without addressing their fundamental limitation: the inability to freely model/direct/guide any object outside of the given parameters. Parametric is great, except that parametric is really limited. Still. The new profiler APPEARS to me not what i was looking for.

Summary: if you were happy with version 7 or 9 (no one was happy with , you'll be happy with version 10. If you were expecting poweful new tools or freedoms or abilities of a revolutionary sort, especially in 3D, you're out of luck. If you do not like Archicad as it is today, move on now and don't wait for version 10. if you do like it today, you will probably be very happy with 10. I have finally reached the conclusion that Archicad is simply not right for me, and never will be.

As for the ethics of checking out the beta and then revealing it, I understand both sides. For GS or Djordje or Dwight or Karl or anyone else who likes, or makes a living selling, Archicad, revealing this info is wrong, and I would completely understand if this post is removed.

For those of us long-time Archicad user who have long asked for real modeling and creative improvements, the latest version APPEARS to be yet another big let down. After having seen it, I remain glad I switched to away a few months ago, after six years working in Archicad.
The level of betrayal and disappointment I feel - betrayal vis a vis marketing and reseller promises - disappointment vis a vis GS's unwillingness to engage regular customers in discussion and unwillingness to adapt their program in ways many of us have requested - outweighs for me the ethical problems involved in revealing this information.

If you have any questions for me, post them here, and I'll try to answer them.

If the post is removed, well, that's understandable.
Thomas Holm
suddenly wrote:
The level of betrayal and disappointment I feel - betrayal vis a vis marketing and reseller promises - disappointment vis a vis GS's unwillingness to engage regular customers in discussion and unwillingness to adapt their program in ways many of us have requested - outweighs for me the ethical problems involved in revealing this information.
Djordje, you're the moderator. This guy has apparently volunteered in the beta program, and signed the NDA, with the sole intention to see if AC10 meets his expectations. And when it doesn't, which he obviously anticipated since he's already "switched away a few months ago", he goes public with info he is under contract not to disclose.

While I'm not too fond of closed beta test cycles, I realise it's the only practical way under certain circumstances. I'm using Archicad to get more productive. First and foremost I need a reliable, bug-free production tool for building design and documentation. There are ways to combine it with free-form editing, and I use those if I need to. But that can never be the core purpose of the program.

This guy's signed the NDA, and violated it. He is the one who is doing the betraying. Who he is shouldn't be so hard to find out, just compare his writing style to other recent posts. There are even programs to do that! Delete his post, track him down, ban him from this forum, and sue!
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1
Not applicable
Great answer!
With AC10 I will be happy.
If I will try very nongeometrical figure, than with maxon-form ok.
I want to know more about PM. It is very important.
Few GDL-objects is not so good, but maybe later update...
Ruler should be nice.
In one sentence for CAD AC is quite OK.
I can draw with this one nice plan if my picture is beautiful in my head.

Nothing happen with LW?
Not applicable
@Thomas holm

What suddenly anonymous wrote, is never negative to AC.
It sounds good!!
He said, no new 3D modellign tools, but equipped with maxon forme (to buy) It is also quite ok.
And he said nice clean new interface, so better than AC 9, that means it must be very very nice.

He will take other programm. It is also OK. Monopole is bad for world economy.
I'm looking forward to seeing this AC10!
Not applicable
samsung wrote:
now from china
that just looks like an ad for Cinema 4D Exchange, not Archicad 10.
Tom Waltz

You are right, and I am not going to remove the post. Graphisoft might - not my decision.


First, nothing that has not been said before has been said now. Various betas have been all over Russia and elsewhere. You know the story about a rumour and demanti?

Second, whoever that person is, he is not using ArchiCAD any more and yes, he can be tracked.

Third, we all know why we use ArchiCAD. It is the same reason why we don't drive Toyotas.

To the person who betrayed the trust of the person who showed him ArchiCAD beta as it was, or his own NDA, well ... it speaks volumes about the integrity and character.

Now please let's get back to our lives - or get one - and if you want to know about 10, pester your dealer. Maybe they will buckle under pressure ... 😉

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen