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About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Soccer/football stadium

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Hi, I'm about to make an soccer/football stadium in archicad. I would like to get some advice how to begin and etc. Do you know any good videos tutorial etc on the internet i could use. I'm pleased to all the help and advice I can get. This is my final project in school and it would be nice to make this stadium for my self also.

Thank you for helping me!

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Hi Anton

Your question is very broad and difficult to answer - in terms of videos and tutorials, check out YouTube, theres a channel dedicated to ArchiCAD, which should help you. Also try and post more specific questions here on the forums.

hope that helps...
Anton wrote:
Hi, I'm about to make an soccer/football stadium in archicad. I would like to get some advice how to begin and etc. Do you know any good videos tutorial etc on the internet i could use. I'm pleased to all the help and advice I can get. This is my final project in school and it would be nice to make this stadium for my self also.

Thank you for helping me!

We need to see a picture of stadium similar to what you want to model.

ArchiCAD 25 7000 USA - Windows 10 Pro 64x - Dell 7720 64 GB 2400MHz ECC - Xeon E3 1535M v6 4.20GHz - (2) 1TB M.2 PCIe Class 50 SSD's - 17.3" UHD IPS (3840x2160) - Nvidia Quadro P5000 16GB GDDR5 - Maxwell Studio/Render Multilight 2 - Adobe Acrobat Pro - ArchiCAD 6 -25

Not applicable
Hi! My Stadium is going well, but I'm wondering a little if you know any file on internet i I Can download to get good seats, because right now it looks like I'll have to create my own, and I would wish to spare that time!

Will try to get a picture up in the days so you can se how it looks so far and give me critic on what I can change, make better etc.

I'm ready to share my mail address if you want to contact me better because I'm not in here for so often. But I'm glad you answers me all the time! Thanks alot!

Have a nice day!
Erwin Edel
Have you tried this object?
Erwin Edel, Project Lead, Leloup Architecten

Windows 10 Pro
Adobe Design Premium CS5
Not applicable
Erwin wrote:
Have you tried this object?
Thanks! Best so far!

Am looking for something as in the link, but I will try the one you linked! Awesome thank you!,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44697112,d.bGE&ion=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=jHdcUdGdMKeE4AT2y4DYAw&biw=1152&bih=639&sei=k3dcUaLzE8im4gTDxIGQAg#um=1&hl=sv&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=stadium+seat&oq=stadium+seat&gs_l=img.3..0i19l10.3460.3460.0.3676.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44697112,d.bGE&fp=49260fff603c038&biw=1152&bih=639&
If you are still looking for something like that, I have developed a custom object for the purposes of setting the Bleachers( threads , risers and Seats) taking care of the sight lines.
The object can be manipulated in several ways and it's fully parametric.

Let me know if you want to give it a try.


Nando Mogollon
Director @ BuilDigital
Using, Archicad Latest AU and INT. Revit Latest (have to keep comparing notes)
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