About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Solid element operations - help me make them work

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Hi, I just watched the MaxonForm demo reel on which remided me about solid element operations.

I've never managed to get these to work in ArchiCAD 9. I'm preparing a series of lectures and it'd be really good to show this to the students.

For example I create two slabs (or a slab and a wall) to try and subtract one from the other. Select the target element, select the operator element, set to subtract. Click on execute and.... nothing. I've followed the help files a number of times and it would appear to be quite simple really. It's just not happening though

Any ideas?

ArchiCAD 9 EDU on Mac OS 10.4.6
theginjaninja wrote:
Any ideas?
are you doing it from the 3D window?

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
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And deselect the target elements before selecting the operators (or vice versa), and put the operator elements on a layer which is turned off (do NOT delete them).
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Subtracting elements doesn't appear to do much until you hide the layer that the operators are on (or switch it to wireframe display). More obvious is to use the subtraction with upwards or downwards extrusion (which I think should just be called "Subtract Up" and "Subtract Down" - that dialog is way too big). You will notice that SEOs create the intersection lines between elements in any operation and these are visible regardless of the layer settings.

As Ben points out the results are only visible in 3D. And, per Stuart, do not delete the operators or the effect disappears with them.
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brilliant !

thanks everyone