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Text That Doesn't Scale?

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I have some signs that I am detailing that have text on them, but when I set the scale for dimensioning, the text size changes. How can I make that text ignore the scale and just stay the same size?
You could do the text in Word, then highlight it, copy, and do a "Paste as a Single Figure" into AC.
Richard Morrison, Architect-Interior Designer
AC26 (since AC6.0), Win10
David Larrew
You could use the "Text 3D.GSM" Object.
David Larrew, AIA, GDLA, GSRC

Architectural Technology Specialist

a r c h i S O L U T I O N S

WIN7-10/ OSX 10.15.7

AC 5.1-25 USA
Not applicable
David wrote:
You could use the "Text 3D.GSM" Object.
If it has to be done in 2D only, a GDL object with 2D script only would be better : Text 3D will project an extrusion of a font : this can take a long time.

As text size are given in plotted mm, the 2D script should resize the text size according to the scale of the plan.

we are using a stair numbering string 2D GDL object that doesn't scale the text for 1:100 or 1:50 drawings. ie the text maintains its proportional relationship with that around it.

there is a piece of the GDL script that goes:
if GLOB_SCALE >50 then
	else textsize=Txt_Sze*1000
where Txt_Sze is the initial size in mm, and textsize is the final rendered output size.

i guess you could make an object that has an "if GLOB_SCALE = " for each scale you intend to use and do the maths on Txt_Sze accordingly?

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
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~/archiben wrote:
i guess you could make an object that has an "if GLOB_SCALE = " for each scale you intend to use and do the maths on Txt_Sze accordingly?
You just have to multiply the text by the scale and divide by the right coefficient :
If you add a parameter to specify the height of the text in mm : t_size = 55, for exemple, the correct formula should be :

t_size * GLOB_SCALE / 1000

You'll have to experiment with the 10^Y factor wether t_size is specified as a dimension or an integer