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Wireframe Toggle

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Does anyone know of a way to be able to toggle a selected item's layer from solid to wireframe?

This would be very helpful when working in 3D. I would like to be able to select a wall for instance and turn it to wireframe while I move a beam or header in the wall, then turn the wall's layer back to solid again. If I could do this with one click it would be extraordinary.

A keyboard shortcut so that I don't have to open the layer's dialog box...

g.h.design wrote:
Does anyone know of a way to be able to toggle a selected item's layer from solid to wireframe?
hi greg

the setting you're looking for can be found in the layers settings dialogue (Cmd/Ctrl + L) . . . next to each layer name are various other options and icons: find the one that looks like a little block model and click it. it changes from block to wireframe indicating that all the elements belonging to that particular layer will display as wireframe in the 3D window.

remember that this setting is also saved with the layer combination, so a layer can be displayed as either shaded or wireframe depending on the layer combination you choose. you can achieve some great visualisation solutions by playing with those settings!

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
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Thanks for the response,

but I think my question needs to be a bit clearer. I was hoping that there is a way to avoid going to the layer's setting dialog.

I want to be able to select an element in the 3D window and toggle it's layer's wireframe / solid setting with a keyboard stroke on the fly so that I never have to leave the window to go to dialog box...

Just a little thing that would make my 3D work flow a bit better and inspire me to go to wireframe more often. I thought if there is a keyboard shortcut in that long list that I have missed it would be great to find it...

It seems like the logical place for that would be under "Quick Layers", but alas it is not...
Tom Waltz
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g.h.design wrote:
Thanks for the response,

but I think my question needs to be a bit clearer. I was hoping that there is a way to avoid going to the layer's setting dialog.

I want to be able to select an element in the 3D window and toggle it's layer's wireframe / solid setting with a keyboard stroke on the fly so that I never have to leave the window to go to dialog box...

Just a little thing that would make my 3D work flow a bit better and inspire me to go to wireframe more often. I thought if there is a keyboard shortcut in that long list that I have missed it would be great to find it...

Sounds like a good candidate for the wish list. Either as a contextual menu item like Hide Layer & Lock Layer, as part of the quick layers palette, or both.

Since the ability to selectively render layers as wireframe is a relatively new (in AC8) feature added primarily to aid with SEOs, it is no surprise that it is taking us a while to discover all its unanticipated uses.
g.h.design wrote:
I want to be able to select an element in the 3D window and toggle it's layer's wireframe / solid setting with a keyboard stroke on the fly so that I never have to leave the window to go to dialog box...
ah! sorry for the misunderstanding! that would indeed be a great usability feature . . . have you put it into the wishlist?

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
I just put it in Wishlists under User Inputs...

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g.h.design wrote:
Does anyone know of a way to be able to toggle a selected item's layer from solid to wireframe?

This would be very helpful when working in 3D. I would like to be able to select a wall for instance and turn it to wireframe while I move a beam or header in the wall, then turn the wall's layer back to solid again. If I could do this with one click it would be extraordinary.

A keyboard shortcut so that I don't have to open the layer's dialog box...

I think a contextual menu item would be more like it. In either case this is something for the wish list as it is not possible now. It is a very good idea though, and shouldn't be too tough for GS to implement.