This should let you get what you want, Mark. If not, it lets me share yet another strange feature of ArchiCAD.
The Special Menu has an option to save the contents of the 3D window as vertices, edges, and other primitives. You are only interested in vertices: the x, y and z coordinates of the corners of polygons.
In the screenshot, I've drawn a slab and a column in metric ... because ArchiCAD operates internally in metric and the output is in metric ... so this was the easiest way for me to verify the numbers were right. You'll have to convert to FFI of course.
Choose Save GDL from the Special Menu and GDL 3D as the type.
Open the file and delete (or have software ignore) all lines other than the VERT lines. (My column was .1m wide, 3m high, and sitting on top of a .5m high slab at a corner located at (2m, 0m). The slab is 2m x 3m x .5m All comes through nicely - even tabbed!)
If you only want the x, y, z coordinates of certain locations, select just those 'marker' objects before generating the 3D ... and only their coordinates will be output. If your marker is a cube shape with 8 vertices like the illustration, then if you always place the smallest x,y,z coordinate on your intended point, it would be easy to have a tiny program eliminate all of the other points, too. Maybe a 3D hotspot would generate a single VERT ... I didn't spend any more time exploring.
Interesting, huh?
AC 28 USA and earlier • macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB