This (issue b) is one of my biggest pet hates with archicad right now!
There is a way to run SQL queries on a plan file that could (partially) solve your problem, at least then you'll have a list of where the objects are. I think it's in the calculate menu (you'll have to enable it in the work environment) it's just called "SQL query" from memory. I'm not up to speed on sql so you'll have to figure out your query.
The other way (and what I'm looking at doing) is a pretty heavy handed approach. I am building up my own custom library, and I've put in some write out scripts to dump useful object data to a text file that can in turn be read by excel.
Both methods are a static output though and you still have to go find and change things yourself.
Seriously graphisoft schedule worksheets/elevations/layouts everything, it's all useful to someone.
And while you're at it, labels too please!
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